Rise and Shine

5 Classic Mistakes The Pinterest Marketer Must Avoid

Pinterest is one of the hottest social media networks around. Users create boards to collect and organize the things they love. Covering virtually every topic imaginable, it is perhaps no surprise Pinterest is used by millions.

Here are some of the things that could cost you dear when using Pinterest, along with some great suggestions on how make the most from this fantastic tool.

1. Creating Unorganized Boards

Nothing upsets a Pinterest user as much as having to search through unorganized boards

If you want to avoid stressing your visitors out then don’t mix up what’s shown. If you have a board called “Let them Eat Cake”, then it’s safe to assume people want to see images of cakes and other desserts. Cute puppies or home décor should really be on another board.

2. Failing to Post Enough Quality Content

Similar to other social media channels, your Pinterest board shouldn’t just be used to continually pump out your marketing message.

To get the most from Pinterest you should look for clever and creative ways you can position your products or services. The best boards are the ones which find indirect ways to showcase their products. Not only this, but they also manage to provide educational value or inspiration to their followers and prospective customers.

Remember, Pinterest isn’t an online produce brochure.

If you pin images that exclusively promote your business, then you run the risk of alienating your visitors. No one likes to continually be force-fed the “It’s all about us and how good we are” statement. Don’t be surprised if you see a decline in re-pins, coupled with a lack of interest from the Pinterest community.

If you want further information, I would recommend reading How to Use Pinterest to Build Trust and Loyalty, an article by Cynthia Sanchez @OSPIntersting on the Social Media Examiner website (Tweet this)

3. No company website

Pinterest can provide a great deal of high quality, targeted traffic, to your website or blog. However, many users don’t even bother to include their website information.

This mistake is easy to avoid. All you need to do is to add your website URL in the “About” section on your Pinterest page. It really is as easy as that.

Taking things a little further, you should verify your website. This not only demonstrates to others your account is legitimate, but it also allows you to take advantage of the Pinterest analytics system.

Don’t feel too bad if you haven’t verified your site yet. Many larger users are also guilty of this, Coca-Cola perhaps being one of the larger organizations which could be described as being a little remiss in this area.

Conversely, as you can see by looking at the Mercedes-Benz Retail Pinterest page, this account is verified. This represents a small, but important step in the right direction.

If you want more information about this, plus some of the other recent Pinterest Changes, I recommend reading 4 Benefits of the ‘New Look’ Pinterest for Business, an article by Ann Leslie @CreativBizCoach on the Pin Profit Pro website (Tweet this)

4. Not Keeping Business and Personal Boards Separate

Too many Pinterest marketers struggle with the separation of their personal and business boards. There might be times when this can work; however, in the main it’s not good practice.

If you are running a business board specializing in home décor then you should stick to this. Will your customers be interested in diet recipes you are considering trying, or the table settings you want at your forthcoming wedding? It’s unlikely, at best.

The take-away here is to always keep your business account for business and your personal account for everything else.

5. Not Leveraging Your Other Social Media Accounts

It’s essential you use all of the (marketing) tools available.

Spread the word about your Pinterest page on all of your social media platforms. Write a blog post telling the world you are now and active user and market this to your email list. It can be great to share this news on Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn.

But, don’t stop there.

Add a Pinterest logo to your blog or website, and make sure the sharing buttons are clearly defined. Getting into the habit of reminding (telling) your readers to share your material can go a long way into getting your message heard.

A subtle example of this could be, “I hope this message reaches your ‘friends’ who might benefit from a little nudge to adjust their problematic Pinterest practices. Feel free to share with others in your network.”

If you want further information about creating an effective call-to-action (CTA), then I recommend you read How to Make Effective Calls to Action in Every Channel, an article by Kathryn Aragon @KathrynAragon on The Daily Egg website (Tweet this).

Conclusion: Pinterest Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Pinterest is an incredibly powerful social network that can help your business thrive. Just remember to avoid these five mistakes in order to keep your audience happy and send targeted traffic to your website or blog.

Remember: Pinterest does not ask you to pay for access. It would be difficult to find a better marketing tool at a more favorable price.

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Glenn Cowan
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  1. That’s an awesome article, Glenn! I Loved references and examples! Please do contribute more!

    • Thanks Ann,

      I’m buzzing with that feedback! 🙂 But, the credit should go to others before me.

      I felt that the references really added to this post. These are all credible people in the industry with great messages.

      I’m just glad to be able to add their voices to your already fantastic website 🙂

      And, Yes. I will definitely take you up on that offer….

  2. A random click from Twitter found me here during MLB World Series game. Glad I clicked, good info on Pinterest. I’ve procrastinated opening a separate biz account there, know it is best and yet the social media avalanche … not inclined to add power to that force just yet.

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