Rise and Shine

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Why I Blog, and Why You (and Your Business) Should Too

Why I Blog, and Why You (and Your Business) Should Too

Sep 27, 2024

These days, it’s easy to get lost in the noise.  But there’s one tool that can help you cut through the clutter, establish your expertise, and connect with your audience on a deeper level: blogging.  If you have been avoiding blogging or just don’t see the benefits in doing so, here’s why you should be blogging should you make...

How To Promote Your Ebook On Twitter

How To Promote Your Ebook On Twitter

May 30, 2024

Twitter seems to be one of those tools that most people don’t fully utilize. For a long time it was seen as nothing more than an interesting social network, a way to quickly convey a thought. But somewhere along the way people began to realize how important a resource it was for marketing, promotion and customer engagement. The implications for the...

5 Reasons Why Instagram is Great for Charity Organizations

5 Reasons Why Instagram is Great for Charity Organizations

Mar 31, 2024

Nonprofits, say it or not, have higher costs of user activity on Instagram than almost every other field. Finding an optimum environment for the audience, on the other hand, can be difficult. An image is said to be worth a phrase. The image with a tint and a positive quote is normally found on Instagram if it comes to media. Although Instagram is still...

Color Branding: How Colors Affect Mobile App Design

Color Branding: How Colors Affect Mobile App Design

Mar 27, 2024

When you have moved beyond the concept stage of your app, it is time to move into the branding stage. One of the most important (and frequently bungled) steps, you have to use the memorable brand name, iconography, and even typography to make your mobile app immediately recognizable. This will also help with future apps, which will be associated with that...

How to Print Your Social Media Memories

How to Print Your Social Media Memories

Mar 7, 2024

In the days of Myspace, it would have been inconceivable that a social media profile could be turned into a physical keepsake. But things have changed, and thanks to different programs like Twitter and Facebook, you can make a decent memory book that can be printed out. Why would you want to do this? Well, we share an awful lot of our lives on social media...

Instagram for Business

Instagram for Business

Jan 4, 2024

There are many businesses out there today who are taking advantage of Instagram to promote their products or services and expand their mobile presence. Big brands using Instagram include National Geographic, NPR, NBC News, Playboy, Pepsi, CNN, Starbucks, Grammys, and even David Blaine. Lots of people have been asking “What is Instagram?” after...

A Quick Guide To Website Builders

A Quick Guide To Website Builders

Nov 26, 2023

Website builders or DIY site construction kits have come a long way and are now holding a large segment in the web building and publishing market. These days, when everyone needs a personal website, Do-It-Yourself web services appear like mushrooms after the rain, leaving us wondering which one to choose. The choice is really overwhelming. I’ve already...

11 Creative Ways to Promote Content with Instagram

11 Creative Ways to Promote Content with Instagram

Oct 28, 2023

An Instagram profile has become one very powerful marketing tool that people simply must use to advertise business. Below you can read some of our tips on how to improve your business over Instagram.  One of the more followed Instagram profiles of JiffPom (@JiffPom) has 9.9 million followers. This Instagram account would not be overly interesting if it...

How to Boost Sales with Social Media

How to Boost Sales with Social Media

Aug 1, 2023

Social media is one of those tools that experts all agree should be utilized, but can never agree on exactly how. Advice for campaigns are becoming increasingly numbers based, and that makes it confusing. They claim there is a magic formula of analytics, but you’d have to be part computer to really understand it. I have a secret to let you in on: the...