Rise and Shine

7 Ways To Improve Your Brand’s Social Media Engagement

social-media-engagementEvery business owner and online marketer knows for a fact how important social media marketing is. With millions of people constantly checking their social media accounts, it is crucial that you are able to tap into that.

However, just establishing your presence in the social media sphere won’t cut it. You have to instigate engagement in your social media channels, as this is the only way to successfully market, promote and sell your products or services.

Here are 7 ways you can do to improve social media engagement for your brand:

1. Use Quality Graphics

Use quality graphics together with your posts. This will help them stand out on social media. People are usually easily attracted to interesting and compelling images, so this increases the chance of capturing the interest of your audience and broadening your reach.

Just think about it, don’t you feel more interested in reading a post if it comes with an attention-grabbing image?

Also, the graphics you use must have a call-to-action, this increases the click-through rate as well.

2. Reward Your Fans/Followers

Don’t you feel like you owe your fans and followers something? Show your appreciation by rewarding them. You see, these people can easily unfollow you anytime if they feel like you’re not giving them value, so make sure you do.

But don’t just give away free things, do it in a strategic manner – in a way that promotes your brand too. For example, if you’re giving away a free company T-shirt, get them to sign up first. You can get their contact details this way and send them your regular newsletters. This should keep them engaged with your brand.

3. Mobile Friendliness

As more and more people use their mobile phones to check into social media sites, this goes without saying that your posts should be mobile-friendly. Keep them short and concise to keep your audience engaged in your post. Otherwise, they won’t hesitate to close that window and move on to something shorter and sweeter.

4. Feature social media share buttons on your site

Social media share buttons are a must-have these days if you’re a website owner. The basic idea is that you place a piece of code below each of your articles, through which people can share your work on their social media profiles. The only problem is that those social media buttons often showcase negative social proof – 0 shares – which can have an impact on your overall engagement.

A better approach is to display those social media buttons selectively – based on the number of shares already there.

5. Maximize Your Facebook Account

There’s a lot of ways you can maximize your Facebook account to improve engagement with the audience.

  • Use the photo albums to showcase your employees, this makes your brand more relatable.
  • Use Facebook events to invite your followers and ask them to RSVP.
  • Use Facebook to feature your fans, whether they’ve won a contest, submitted a review or just sent you a photo or video of them with your brand.

Show them that you always remember about them.

hashtag6. Use Twitter to Get Personal

Incorporate videos. Videos on Twitter improve social media engagement, but keep the videos short. This is a good way to get more personal and encourage followers to engage more with your brand.

Let your followers know who is managing the account right then and there, so they know who they are talking to. This helps the interactions become more personal. Join conversations, talk to people who tweet about your brand. Acknowledge them and respond to questions and complaints. And don’t forget to always have some humor.

7. Using Google+ and LinkedIn

With Google+, it is important that you share your Circles with your followers. Not only can this help your audience get more information about the industry, this will help build your audience too. Share Circles that are relevant to the industry like writers, speakers and industry leaders. Be active in Communities; join or create one and take part in community conversations.

With LinkedIn, you should participate in Groups to be able to get more personal with people. Join discussions, answer questions, and basically, interact with anyone who’s interested with your brand. All these will improve your brand’s visibility as well.

Reading these tips on how to improve your social media engagement may sound too simple, but you really need to put in the work. Don’t just expect your followers to engage with your brand after a few changes. There should be consistent effort on your part to make your customers feel comfortable enough to engage with your brand regularly.

Azalea Pena
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