Understanding Twitter: Who sees what on Twitter. Download the cheatsheet here
Tweets have a very short life: They go out and accumulate a few interactions and clicks (if you are lucky), but after that they go away pretty much unnoticed.
So how to make the most of sharing your article with your Twitter followers?
You can post the same link several times, as long as you are doing so in a unique way.
This can be done even better over the course of many days, so you are constantly showing more people the same post.
I usually suggest you write out 7-10 different ways to post a tweet and a link every time, and release it once every couple of hours. If you want to space them out more, they can be posted once a day.
- Tweet title + the link (example: Tweet this)
- Tweet a short title + the link + tag mentioned users or tools (example: Tweet this)
- Start with the popular hashtag – that makes sense (example: #HowTo)
- Ask a question or a contribution (example: Tweet this)
- Tweet a quote from the page (example: Tweet this)
- Tweet a Pin from that blog post (example: Tweet this pin)
- Retweet someone who tweeted your blog post
Tip! Submit your article to Viral Content Buzz for more retweets to retweet
Please share more ideas to be included here!
More tips:
Schedule Your Tweets
When you write these ten variations of tweets, you don’t want to release them all at once or they won’t be effective. There are plenty of free tweet schedulers out there that you can use, such as Tweetdeck, Twuffer and Buffer. Of course, there are also professional analytics programs like Hootsuite that offer a scheduler as part of the package.
The great thing about these programs is you can schedule them all right away, and then forget about them. The program will publish when you specified, allowing you to do other things.
Tip: Experiment with different time and days. While there are lots of tools to determine the best time to share, no one knows your followers better than you.
Speak Directly To Followers

@commun_it is a great way to fidn those who you can speak directly to: commun.it
You have to be careful with this tip, because it can backfire and appear spammy when you don’t come at it from the right angle. What you want to do is find people, especially followers, who are likely to be interested in the post. Which means they should be related to the industry you are, and perhaps have mentioned something to do with the topic.
Now, @username them with a link to the post and a quick explanation to what it is. Make sure you remember the description, or else it is going to look like your account was phished. The last thing you want is people reporting your tweet and your account coming under investigation.
I find that it is better to @username a link to someone if you have spoken to them before. Not only does it make them more likely to actually read the post, but it is just proper tweetiquette.
Join In The Conversation
Another potential option is to find people through the search feature that are discussing a directly related topic and post the link to them. Again, you have to give a unique description of what it is before you post the link.
Let’s say you find someone who is talking about a current event that has been trending. You could tweet them saying, “I actually wrote about this in detail and think you’re right on the money (link)”. It is personable, shows you honestly feel they would benefit from the link, and shows you read their tweet and not just the keyword.
Once you have posted the link, be sure to stick around and engage in a conversation. Don’t just tweet and run. It might even be better to engage in a conversation first, posting a reply or two and maybe even giving a retweet or favorite. Then post the link once you have their attention and have shown you are interested in what they have to say.
For further information on creating Tweet-worthy content, make sure to download the free digital ebook:
Getting a blog post on Twitter isn’t that difficult, it just takes a bit of time and the right know-how. Using the tips above, you will be increasing your reach and visibility while engaging with Twitter users. Which could lead to additional retweets, favorites, and best of all, followers.
Have some advice on sharing your blog on Twitter? Let us know in the comments.
Image Credit:: twitter.
Thanks for the wonderful article, I think most of the starters would benefit from it.
As always Ann, your thoughts on Social Media are true #Gems <3
Thanks, Shannon!
What’s your opinion on directly asking for retweets? like adding a “pls RT” to your tweet as sometimes seen?
Good? Bad? or does it depend? and if so, on what?
I usually refrain from doing that. If people like, they will RT… I don’t have very strong feelings against that though. I may even ask for retweets if you are looking for a contractor for example…
That’s a good example. I’ve seen people ask for RTs when looking for PR or guest posting also and meet with success.
I saw an article (a while ago, can’t remember which) that said asking for a RT increases the chances of getting one. After trying it a few times with a brand I work for, I seem to get better engagement with shorter tweets that don’t ask for anything.
I think it’s a case by case thing, more art than science as they say.
Thanks Ann & Chris,
I thought so,
– in general it just costs at least another 7 chars of your tweet which might be too much…
– then people on twitter nowadays know to retweet something they like and want to share – you don’t have to tell them everytime
– and how you, Ann, describe it you’re using it to put extra emphasis on it and only when it’s not like just saying please share the link to my content for the content’s sake but to reach THAT single individual (unknown) person which might otherwise get to know his/her opportinity…
Great article – I’m already thinking about how to set up a test scenario for RT-Optimization – making that art a science again 😉
Usually, I tweet using a short personal opinion on the article or the content I’m sharing, followed by the its title and URL.
In this context, I sometimes use @author name tags.
Your list here gave me some great tweet ideas, which I’ll definetly try!
Thanks, Ann!