Rise and Shine

Leveraging Video For Effective Sales Enablement

Once a company identifies best practices in sales enablement, the question becomes, “How do we carry out and model the appropriate sales behavior through training inexpensively and effectively?”

The answer lies in developing a shift toward more video integration with learning strategies. In general, companies using video have recognized the growing need for on-demand learning and the increasing use of mobile devices. Video has proven to be a medium that meets both needs.

The best sales enablement strategy often includes expensive training tools that help the sales team nurture leads and move the sales strategy forward. Creating a comprehensive strategy cheaply can be challenging, but smart companies now embrace mobile video as a part of their sales training strategies.

Mobile video not only provides an effective and remote visual reference of ideas and knowledge, but it can help an organization train its employees on new products, company procedures and policies.

While it is important to use the proper lighting, audio and video techniques to create a high-quality video library, you’ll need a digital asset management strategy to create instructional videos that support the sales enablement process and provides measurable cost savings.

Here’s how:

1. Keep your video content short

In comparison to watching the content on desktop devices, small screen viewership lends itself to squinting and frequent blinking by the viewer. To keep the training interactions short and sweet – and to comply with short attention spans – don’t create videos that run longer than five minutes.

It is also important to present only one learning concept for each video training module. Leave the lengthy product demonstrations and reviews to your website or company’s intranet.

2. Identify how your sales reps learn best

To create the best video sales library you must create content that meets the learning styles of your sales team. For example, some sales team members are visual learners who rely on video training that deepens their product knowledge.

While other sales reps that are kinesthetic or auditory, need classroom instruction and training with automation tools to manage the stream of new leads and prospects.

Whatever the needs and learning style of your team, your videos should help you manage and evaluate your sales reps effectively.

3. Limit the bells and whistles in the content

In all types of eLearning, media elements such as stock photography and cartoons are important and necessary to teach and entertain the viewer. While flash animations and complicated graphics are necessary for viral YouTube videos, it is important to keep these flashy elements out of your mobile learning videos.

Not only are these displays of graphic creativity expensive, but there are usually high download and bandwidth costs when hosting this content on your network.

4. Include collaborative elements

When investigating the proper video platform to host your content, look for social sharing interactivity to facilitate sharing between sales colleagues, mentors and senior staff. When used properly, sales staff can use the social networking and collaborative tools to comment on live-streamed training events, as well as interact with pre-recorded video trainings.

5. Prioritize what content is the most valuable – then create it

To find the best type of video content to produce, think about the end result: which is an increase in sales and company growth. By auditing your existing product and sales manuals, you can create simple and easy-to-use video content that fills in the gaps and results in more sales.

By giving your sales team access to these videos on their smartphones and tablets, you will undoubtedly improve usage and adoption of the training content.

Dorian Travers
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