Rise and Shine

Ways To Use Facebook To Promote Your Online Crafts Store

facebook-crafts-storeIf you’re reading this article that means one of three things. You’re crafty, own a craft store or you love reading about ways to market on Facebook. Whatever brought you here, welcome.

We love Facebook and we love crafters so we decided to create an article addressing both niches. No doubt as a craft store owner one of your top goals is to generate leads and sales. Facebook has really made a name for itself as a viable marketing platform regardless of your niche or type of business.

If you’re on Facebook and have yet to see results from it, no worries. There are many in the same boat – but below are a few ideas that you may or may not have heard of before and many brands and companies are professing to have success with.

Some of the ideas are new methods while others tried and true. Anyone can try these ideas and benefit from the great (and free) marketing strategies that Facebook offers.

Ready to get started? Below are three no cost ways to promote your online crafts store.

Facebook Events

There are a variety of events on Facebook including those created by groups, pages and individuals. Best practice is to search out your niche and look for groups to join, pages to like and so on in your specific category of crafting.

If your niche is knitting, do a search for “knitting” and all things knitting on Facebook will show up including photos, popular pages, top groups from both your friends and the general public, products from (for sale) groups and yes! knitting events.

In no time you’ll find popular events near you that you can attend. This could be networking events or simply niche centered events to chat away on your particular store category. The great thing about this idea is that the Facebook events which show up in search are based on your location – and as such they’re all near you. Great for obvious reasons.

Facebook Live

This an entirely new marketing channel on Facebook and although I have yet to try it personally; have heard it’s gaining in popularity and traction. Lots of brands and companies are giving it a try and seeing good numbers from it.

For example, here’s a great article mentioning several brands and companies with examples of how they are using Facebook Live and seeing good success with their broadcastings. Those who jump on the bandwagon early stand to benefit the most if it’s used strategically and as always – with an end goal in mind.

Think about ways that you could use Facebook Live in your niche as a means to draw in your target market.

Facebook Page Cover Optimization

There’s a lot you can do to make sure your Facebook page cover truly stands out and lots you can do to make sure it’s properly optimized for max results.

From the image you use as your cover photo to the actual name of the page and the types of updates you share; it all plays a part in the activity you see (or don’t see). One thing I love to do when on Facebook or sometimes simply doing research for an article on the topic – is to view and study a variety of popular pages on Facebook and see how they have their page setup.

The type of cover photo used, the wording used on the the cover photo, the links placed throughout and just everything employed that makes (the page) a popular destination. When you have a moment, take a look at YOUR Facebook page and see what ways you can optimize it further. Maybe a new cover photo is in order that better describes what’s unique and awesome about your shop or you could tweak the various navigation tabs available.

Maybe your phone number needs updating or your contact page could use a refresh. Look at everything. Also look at similar pages in your niche to see what they’re doing right that you can emulate on your own account. Don’t underestimate the subtle power of every element within your Facebook page and optimize accordingly.

As you can see Facebook keeps us on our toes and is always introducing new and smart ways to use their platform not only to keep in touch with friends and family; but also as a great marketing medium. We heart Facebook and as long as they keep things fresh and on point (which they do) – will always keep us interested. How about you? Do you plan to try our ideas? If so, do share which one you plan to try. Share with us in the comment area.

Missy Diaz
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