Rise and Shine

Holiday Spending and Digital Marketing 2012 [Infographic]

Santa Clause Mobile PhoneEven though it was 70 degrees outside this weekend, did you realize that you only have six more weekends to shop until Christmas? November 1st is the official start of the holiday shopping season, but things really start to pick up on November 23rd, which is Black Friday.


This year consumers will be making more online purchases and using technology in ways that we’ve never seen to supplement their holiday shopping. Smartphones and other mobile devices will bring digital marketing closer to the point-of-sale than it has ever been, and ramped up participation in social media by retailers means that shopping will almost be crowdsourced; don’t expect discussions of the best prices, best sales, hottest toys and news of Black Friday meltdowns to stop until 2013.


With $54 Billion dollars at stake this year, having your digital presence felt has never been so important. I suggest a three pronged attack by both small and large businesses involving a well planned social media campaign, some increased focus on SEO, and some major attention paid to how your presence is felt on mobile devices. I want all the small business owners that unwrap an iPad this year to visit Social Media Sun. Do you know what they’ll see if they visit your website?


Here are some of the most important statistics that digital marketers need to focus on this holiday season:


Holiday Season Digital Marketing Infographic


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 ©Social Media Sun 2012

One comment

  1. Useful information, thanks for sharing..

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