Rise and Shine

IOC and Twitter Impose their Will Over Olympics 2012

IOC and Twitter Impose their Will Over Olympics 2012

Aug 10, 2012

The London Olympics is being billed as the first social media Games and it is likely to offer a unique experience for Olympic fans everywhere. The format of Olympic competition, as well as the International nature of the games make it especially suited for social media. There are more people using social networking sites than every before, and the Olympic games...

Emotional Branding: Understanding Your Vision, Value, & Passion

Emotional Branding: Understanding Your Vision, Value, & Passion

Jul 12, 2012

I first coined the Vision Value Passion (VVP) connection back in 2011 at a speech I gave for Cambridge University.  To me and, to many others in the social media sphere, the quintessential principles of personal branding begin and end with attributes – those seen by others and those inherently understood on a subconscious, emotional level.  In essence, it...

Effective Advertisement, Cheaper Ads

Effective Advertisement, Cheaper Ads

Apr 24, 2012

As a business owner, it’s your job to grow your business without spending a fortune. That’s why, if you’re running a PPC ad campaign, you would ideally like to increase your clicks while you decrease your ad spend. You probably already know that a successful ad campaign consists of two things: The amount of clicks your ad gets And, the cost you get back...

Succeeding On the SMS Social 100: Traffic, Exposure and Social Proof

Succeeding On the SMS Social 100: Traffic, Exposure and Social Proof

Apr 9, 2012

The first order of business for any website or blog is getting traffic. As an online marketing consultant I’ve always recommended a multi-faceted approach that utilizes every available tool, and implements design strategies that take advantage of the site’s primary traffic sources.   You shouldn’t put all of your eggs in one basket; optimize for...

Make QR Codes Work

Make QR Codes Work

Mar 20, 2012

They went as fast as they came. It seems as though QR codes were popular for a week before they went back into hiding. Yet, as a valuable business tool, that is also environmentally friendly, it’s surprising that more companies haven’t become involved. While there are negative variables to consider – customers’ lack of scanner apps being the main issue...

Facebook Timeline: Another Nail in the Coffin

Facebook Timeline: Another Nail in the Coffin

Mar 12, 2012

Mark Zuckerberg himself previously acknowledged that Facebook has been unethical at times, and privacy concerns have been one of the primary objections to Facebook since it began its rise to power. Users often leave Facebook on the grounds of privacy violations, but most of those users eventually return to the social giant. The privacy concerns are centered...