Rise and Shine

5 Up and Coming Blogs you May Have Missed

Photo of Tony BennettDo you remember that feeling as a kid when you walked down the cereal aisle?  It was overwhelming, at times, with two aisles stacked five shelves high that stretched from one end of the store to the other. Finding the right box could prove very time-consuming and not everyone had the luxury of patient parents.  Some cereals were too boring, others too sweet, and then there were those that were all fluff with no taste. It’s kind of like finding new blogs to read, except there are about a bazillion more choices on internet.


We all have our staples like Cheerios or Frosted Flakes – AKA the Chris Brogan’s, Seth Godin’s, and Gini Dietrich’s of the world; but it’s good to try new flavors every once in a while.  Since most people simply don’t have the time or patience for conducting trial-and-error experiments to find the blogs they like, I’m going to make it simple for the Social Media Sun readers.  I’ve sorted through the riffraff to and am pleased to present these five exceptional writers. These blogs that I’m recommending are as equally well-written, informative, and entertaining as the staples you already read; they just haven’t exploded into the stratosphere yet.  You’ll find that these authors do a great job of focusing on relevant topics, plus their content is fresher than the produce you find at most supermarkets.


Margie Clayman

Photo of Margie Clayman






Social Media, Marketing, & Musings

I guarantee you have not read a blog like Margie’s because nobody can match the combination of intellect and satirical humor that she possesses.  She’ll make you laugh, get you worked up, make you pause to say hmm, and then start laughing again all in the same post.  Her “Myth” posts have been especially entertaining and thought provoking as of late.  Because nearly ALL of Margie’s posts are brilliant, I’m not even going to give you a sneak peek at a certain article.  Really, she’s been on fire to start the year. If you like here as much as we do, follow her @MargieClayman on Twitter.


R.S. Guthrie

Photo of RS Guthrie






Rob On Writing

What better way to learn the intricacies of writing than from a professional writer?  I can’t think of anything much better, so meet Rob.  He doesn’t just blog about writing, but when he does, listen up because you’ll get better.  He inked one of the most painfully beautiful posts I’ve read this year titled Tap the Source: Writing from the Heart. Read this and you’ll have a good understanding where R.S. draws his motivation from. I’ve learned a number of things in just a short time following Rob and highly recommend you get to know him as well. You can hear from him on Twitter @RSguthrie.


Amberr Meadows

Photo of Amberr Meadows






Like a Bump on a Blog

Amberr (yes, with two r’s, get it straight) runs one of the funnest (yes, not a word but I like it) blogs I’ve been to.  Even the name is fun.  Amberr typically sticks to daily themes such as Soapbox Sunday, Music Monday, and Travel Tuesday.  You’ll have to actually visit her blog to find out the rest of her fun names.  It’s rare that you’ll walk away from Amberr’s blog without a smile on your face or saying “wow, that’s cool.” Fortunately, she is more than just fun.  As evidenced by her Top 10 Reasons I Never Visit Your Blog Anymore, she’s damn good at being a hard-hitting writer, as well. Visit her on Twitter @amberrisme, but be careful, she’s “allergic to B.S.”.


Peggy Fitzpatrick

Photo of Peggy Fitzpatrick






Connecting The Dots

 Peggy Peggy Peggy, where do I start. You may not know her by name, but you’ve probably seen this smile cross one of your social media streams at some point. I can assure you, she’s as nice as she looks.  Sometimes, when I’m down in the dumps, I just look at a picture of her or ask myself #WWPD? Ok Ok, I don’t really do that, but I do really run out to read her posts as soon as they’re published.  To see why, take a look at How to Promote Yourself Without being a Jerk. If you can’t stand it any longer and need see this picture daily, hop on Twitter @PegFitzpatrick and hit the follow button!


Aaron Biebert

Photo of Aaron Biebart






Thoughts from an 8pm Warrior

He’s the Justin Bieber of blogging, minus like 17 million followers on Twitter.  Sure, like he’s never heard that before… but little do you know in deep dark caves within the hardcore blogging circles, he’s BIGGER than Bieber.  Do you want to get inspired? Do you want to be a better leader? Do you want a blog without the no-nonsense fluff? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you MUST subscribe to his blog.  He doesn’t write daily, at least not here, but you’ll soon cherish each entry like it’s a golden nugget. He does however grace Twitter with his presence on most days @Biebert.



This is by no means an end-all be-all list as I, too, only have so much time to explore the blogosphere.  I’d like you to share a few of your secret weapons with our audience. Don’t tell us to check out Scott Stratten, Mark Schaefer, or anyone on a top 50 list from a major publication.  We’re looking for the blogs and bloggers that aren’t as mainstream; the ones up on the top shelf and away from the popular stuff that’s displayed at eye-level.

Tony Bennett
Latest posts by Tony Bennett (see all)


  1. Thanks for the list. This’s what I always look for online in order to reach other up and coming bloggers. I love to interview them on my blog.


    • Thanks Sheyi, I love them. They’re all different in style but share a passion for what they write about. Hope you check them out and drop em a line.

  2. You know, before I asked Tony to write this list I had not heard of any of these guys. In the last week however, I have saw Marjorie everywhere now that I know who I’m looking for! Truly some rising stars here. 

    • Margie is a lot of fun. I refer to her as the Yoda of blogging but figured that it would tick her off if I said that publicly in the post lol.

      Do you have anyone that you’d like to add to the list Adam?

  3. Thanks for the tips. For every good blog out there, there are 4,000 mediocre ones. I’m always looking for new blogs to help me in my own writing.  Thanks Tony!


    • Glad you found it helpful, Brad. You’re not too far off with your ratios. A lot of mediocre, recycled posts out there. Enjoy your weekend and thanks for taking the time to say thanks!

  4. Thanks so much for the shoutout on this awesome blog. What a great way to start the weekend 😉

    • You’re quite welcome, but I think we should be the one thanking you for producing such an awesome blog! I have enjoyed promoting this blog post more than any other because I know that people who actually read it and connect with the 5 of you aren’t going to be disappointed. I asked Tony to cover this topic because I didn’t think anyone can write it better, and I stand by that (especially after seeing the lineup!). Why is this an awesome blog? Because I recognize Tony’s unique skills, and he recognizes your guys’ considerable skill, but who really has the skills in that equation? lol Congratulations to all 5 of you for making the list, it really isn’t anything to brush off considering the judge. 

    • Anyone who has Thoughtful Thursday and Soapbox Sunday is bound to make some lists! I just couldn’t keep you a secret for any longer – the world must know about Like a Bump on a Blog!

  5. Honored to make your list!
    Thanks for thinking of me and I am followers of the other writers as well.

    Smiling in your direction 🙂

    • Woot Woot I’m going to go brag to my friends that you smiled AT me. It ranks right up there with the time when Britney Spears pointed at me during a concert. The pleasure was all mine, Peggy, I love your blog!

  6. Tony, you are so generous!  Thanks for the mention.  If I ever get actual Justin Bieber level twitter followers, I’ll be sure to let them know how I got there.  

    Thanks again for the kind words.  Much appreciated.

    • You’ve always been one of my favorites because you’re not afraid to put yourself out there, Aaron. In a lot of ways, you’re one of my blogging role models. Keep inspiring all the 8pm warriors!

  7. Great list! Of course, I may be partial since I know 4 out of 5 on this list. And @RSguthrie:twitter, how about joining the other four and writing for @12Most:twitter ? 

    • Paul, you’re extremely lucky to have these writers involved in your various projects. I was surprised to see one as your second in command at re:DESIGN and another working as the managing editor for 12 most. As far as I know, this was totally un-intentional, but gives me the impression that our website may have found it’s place in the world lol.

    • It wasn’t exactly intentional, but once I finished my list I actually chuckled to myself once I realized 4 if the 5 were involved in 12most. In fact, I was goingb to rename the title to “Just read the personal blogs of these @12most contributors” Glad you liked it, Paul.

  8. What a fabulous bunch of writers Tony. You are such a great encourager of people. You win the So Social Award today. I am very glad you shared this blog with me Adam. 
    I hope you both have a lovely week-end .   

    • You too Gaye! People like Tony and You are the ones that make the social media community great (and sometimes, the only reason it is bearable). I agree, yesterday we showcased 5 up and coming blogs, and I realized that So Genius is as much an up and coming blog as anything. So today is So Genius Saturday, and the award goes to Tony Bennett! 🙂

    • Thanks Gaye.. I guess you could say I’m a Michael Q Todd Disciple in the sense that I emulated him when I first started out. He’s great at that, too, so I have to give credit to him for being such a good teacher. Appreciate you and Adam declaring it was So Genius Saturday… Too bad I was so busy celebrating St Patty’s day that I missed it lol@

  9. Great list! There are a few here I did not previously know about. Thanks Tony!

    • I know Lisa. It’s wierd because after publishing this, I now see all of these guys on an almost daily basis. I’ve said that Peg Fitzpatrick is probably one of the most prolific bloggers of the last few months, every time Aaron makes a move I hear about it, and Amberr haunts my dreams ;). R.S.’s post on this site is one of the most popular we’ve published, and Margie has been a thought leader in social media this whole time. It really was a great list, and I’d like to take some credit for knowing who to go to fwhen you want the end all be all list of great bloggers 🙂


  1. Have Faith in Fate, Superstition can give you Permission « Adam Justice - [...] like to tell you about this evening is some events surrunding the latest guest post, “Up and Coming Blogs…

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