Rise and Shine

Facebook Basics For Authors

facebookThe popularity of Facebook continues to be an effective method of social media marketing for authors and writers. The power of Facebook gives a direct line of communication between the author and the reader.

By implementing the following essential, Facebook can showcase you as a prolific author readers should get to know.

Facebook Essentials:

Creating a Facebook “page,” rather than a Facebook profile.

Your Facebook profile is a personal but private site, which should be used to connect with your friends and family, whereas Facebook “pages” have been developed by the website with businesses, bands or high-profile individuals in mind. Your page should have a few details about you and your work and a few pictures of yourself and your work, but do not include personal details that you do not want the world to know. You only need to create one page; do not create one to promote each book, as this can be overkill.
Author Profile Picture

Choose a picture of you that showcases you as an author. For you, this can be you dressed up as a character from your book. Or it could be of you dressed in professional attire. Even though you are an author of a book, it is recommended to have the picture be of you the author and not of your book cover. People like to connect with the person, not the product.

Your Interests:

Don’t underestimate the importance of filling out the personal interests, such as hobbies, movies and books (especially this one!) of your Facebook profile. This section may seem trivial. However, it could be a great way for your readers to get to know more about you, which is what they want. You are creating a more personal connection between you and your readers. Remember, you don’t have to write down every single interest either…just highlight a few of your favorite interest with detail.

The pictures:

Again, your readers will love to get to know you better and to see you out in your everyday life. One great way to share more about you with your readers is with pictures. Be sure these are pictures don’t show you in any way that could be deemed inappropriate or unprofessional. Perhaps a picture of you with some of your readers at a local book signing or you with one of your favorite authors.


The main reason for social media is to be social. Don’t just set up your author profile and then come on Facebook sporadically. Create a social media schedule for yourself and be as consistent as possible. Take the time to engage in conversations, meet new people, share your ideas, and be there to support others. Let your online community know you are on Facebook because you want to be there.


Just as you want to know more about other people on Facebook, realize that people will want to know more about you. As you are connecting, be sure to offer glimpses of different aspects of your life (however, don’t reveal what you don’t want the world to know about because what you reveal will be online forever). You can share about the subject matter of your book, your expertise, offer tips, resources, link to your blog posts, and industry news with your Facebook community. Learn more about how turnitin works to create interesting articles for your Facebook profile.

Facebook has consistently gained popularity, and the trend is on an upward swing. Having the Facebook essentials such as having an author profile picture, completing your personal interests, adding images, connecting and sharing, gives authors and writers a great vehicle to showcase your message. Facebook is a provides a delivery platform you to share their expertise, knowledge, and interests directly with your fans…your readers on an international scale.

This article was created by Edusson writers.

Image by geralt

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