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#SMSchat 1 – Facebook Friends featuring Mari Smith 10-18-2012

#SMSchat 1 – Mari Smith 10/18/2012

Social Media Sun’s inaugural #SMSchat Twitter Chat, with special guest Mari Smith. The theme was Facebook, and the chat was a total success! Everyone enjoyed the chat, and Mari shared a lot of valuable information!

Storified by Adam Justice · Sat, Oct 20 2012 23:21:45

Join us tonight for the inaugural #SMSchat on …Facebook
Like Our Page On Facebook for the latest Social Media Sun content, and a daily dose of Facebook candy related to social media!
Social Media Sun | FacebookSocial Media Sun. 983 likes · 253 talking about this.
The Social Media Sun Facebook group is a place were members can come to get their social media questions answered, and get the help they need with digital marketing without paying a professional. We have some of the most capable social media experts on the Internet, and joining the group is completely free. 
Last week a few members let us know that they were bare bones beginners when it comes to Facebook Marketing. We decided to dedicate an entire week to Facebook Marketing, culminating in our first Tweet Chat, #SMSchat. When we asked our members who they would like to see as a guest at #SMSchat, of course Mari Smith’s name came up. I’m happy to say that everyone was a winner that day! Mari was one of the best guests I’ve ever had the pleasure of interviewing, and the group in attendance was lively and enthusiastic. Let us tell you the story of #SMSchat 1- “Facebook Friends” through the Tweets that made it worthwhile.
Our inaugural #SMSchat tomorrow 10/18 at 6:30 EST, special guest @marismith . We’ll be talking about Facebook, don’t miss it! #smschatAdam Justice
@etelligence Thanks, Adam!! #smschat will be awesome!!Mari Smith
Come join @etelligence and @marismith for #SMSchat at 6:30pm EST, http://socialmediasun.com/sms-chat/ Let’s Figure out Facebook Together!Social Media Sun
Everyone that is comeing to #SMSchat , also look forward to Mari’s free Webinar on Oct. 23, CrunchTime! http://goo.gl/msXQVAdam Justice
And at approximately 6:30, #SMSchat went live on Twitter!
Hey guys, let’s start the chat! First I’d like to welcome everyone, and thank you for coming! #smschatAdam Justice
#SMSChat Woot! Giddyup!Jennifer Quinn
@etelligence I’m raring to go, thanks a mil for this #Facebook chat, Adam!! 🙂 #smschatMari Smith
… @etelligence So excited you were able to get @MariSmith to join #SMSChatJennifer Quinn
You’re welcome @MariSmith ! Couldn’t think of a better guest, we’re truly blessed to have you with us! #smschatAdam Justice
@etelligence Why thank you – I’m honored. 🙂 #smschatMari Smith
Mari’s International Fans were out in numbers!
@MariSmith Hi Mari, Greetings from Belize !#smschatLarry Waight
@MariSmith You have many fans and followers in Belize #SMSchatLarry Waight
@larrywaight Belize!? That’s awesome. #smschatMari Smith
Hi from Portugal!!! #SMSchatIvo Madaleno
Aloha friends from Hilo, Hawaii – Just jumping in for #smschat ~ Aloha @MariSmithDewi Maile Lim
TWEET Volume Warning: I’m the guest expert on the inaugural #smschat answering #Facebook questions for the next hour! :)Mari Smith
Mari jumped right in, and I think one of the greatest things she brings to the table is her familiarity with the Facebook platform. She started off by offering a tip that is subtle, easily applicable, pertinent to the direction that social media marketing is headed, and something that most people do not even consider.
Let’s talk about optimizing #Facebook for mobile: first, try to keep updates SHORT. #smschatMari Smith
Q 1: Is your Facebook Page a big part of your social media strategy? Has it increased or decreased in importance recently? #smschatAdam Justice
@etelligence A1: Facebook fan page is still a LARGE part of my SM strategy. What’s changed in 1yr is now including profile more. #smschatMari Smith
A1: When Facebook opened up the option to allow Subscribers to personal profiles, to me it was a whole new SM channel! #smschatMari Smith
A1: Our Facebook Page at SMS offers better referrals than Twitter, so we’ve amped up our marketing through FB recently. #smschatAdam Justice
A1: Facebook is important due to sheer size and the standing it has but is decreasing in importance due to activity and algorithms. #smschatEddie J Meyer
@MariSmith How is the best way to reengage an audience that has been neglected via FB? #SMSchatMike Baltus
@MikeBaltus Ahh, unfortunately, the only way really is with ads — sponsored stories and/or promoted posts targeting fans. #smschatMari Smith
#smschat Hi Mari. Big fan. Have u seen any big brands using offers? Or are offers easier for small biz? ThxBarak Orenstein
@OrensteinBarak Hi, thanks! For sure, Facebook Offers is a fabulous feature for biz’s of all sizes! #smschatMari Smith
@MariSmith how are you balancing your time between the personal profile and page? #smschatLana Bandoim
@Lana_Bandoim Fan Page: post 1-2x a day max. Mostly Facebook tips. Profile: 1-2x a day but more ‘Facebook Candy’!! #smschatMari Smith
@MariSmith thanks, love the term "Facebook Candy" ~ do you mean pictures, fun quotes, etc.? #smschatLana Bandoim
hi Mari- What is the best way to get new Facebook fans without using Facebook PPC? #SMSchatKevin Doherty
@Kevin_S_Doherty @kayflack Anywhere else you have groups of peeps: Twitter, LinkedIn, G+, email, etc –> invite to join Facebook. #smschatMari Smith
@Kevin_S_Doherty @kayflack Plus, add Facebook URL to all print literature, product packaging, email sig file, blog, website. #smschatMari Smith
Do you suggest a certain length? #smschat #facebookPatti Langell
@PattiLangell I’ve seen some studies say <160 characters. Def not always easy. I’d say experiment and mix it up! #smschatMari Smith
@MariSmith can’t wait to meet you. When is the best time to post on Facebook? #SMSchatTyler Garland
@Ty_Garland Hiya! Aha, best time to post on Facebook depends. But I’d say DEF try outside business hours. Fridays-Sundays too! #smschatMari Smith
@MariSmith #smschat why R public profiles 4people (on Fb)searchable but biz pages are not? Should I just change my biz pg to personal pg?Taco Nose Best
@TacoNoseBest Facebook Business Pages are entirely public and indexed on Google. I’m not sure what you mean not searchable? #smschatMari Smith
Does scheduling posts through facebook hurt your reach? #smschat #facebookPatti Langell
@PattiLangell I’ve done quite a bit of experimenting lately, and it doesn’t appear to affect it much. #smschatAdam Justice
@PattiLangell something to note, scheduling the same post with Buffer and Facebook reach 2 entirely different groups of followers. #smschatAdam Justice
@etelligence Great point! #smschatMari Smith
@MariSmith Do you share the same content on profile and page? #SMSchatIvo Madaleno
@ivomadaleno Great Q! No. I post 9/10 more personal on profile, 1/10 biz. And vice versa on fan page. 😉 #smschatMari Smith
@MariSmith @ivomadaleno Great question! Great answer! Personal NOT private!Films About Me
@FilmsAboutMe @ivomadaleno Exactly!! Keep PRIVATE miles away from the internet. Period. Lol. Personal is fine. #smschatMari Smith
How soon before Facebook moves to a Klout-like score rather than fan counts to measure successful pages #smschatMartin Jones
@ConnectionMaven @martinjonesaz Hmmm, I hope not. But you never know. Facebook seem to be pulling out all the stops! #smschatMari Smith
#SMSchat @MariSmith What are your thoughts on Tweeple who DM without following you back? ~ HeidiGuild West
@GuildWest Ugh — that is one of my pet peeves!! Don’t send DMs if you’re not going to follow back and allow responses! 🙂 #smschatMari Smith
#SMSchat! I have seen a huge decrease in my reaches I mean HUGE since I got a promote, is there anything I can do my virals are 47%Debbie Dobbins
@DebbiePlayaGirl Hi Debbie — hm, could be coincidental with the decrease. Facebook did recently change their algo’s. #smschatMari Smith
@Marismith #SMSchat Ever since promotional posts been struggling to get engagement up as people aren’t seeing my posts – tips?Helen Neale
@KiddyCharts we covered this on the blog this week, "Edgerank Explained" that has optimizations tips http://goo.gl/2B6Xa #smschatAdam Justice
@KiddyCharts Hey Helen. Gosh that’s challenging. Have you tried a small ad budget for Promoted Posts? They do work. #smschatMari Smith
@KiddyCharts @MariSmith I feel your pain, having same problem, I hate doing promoted posts it’s like giving in to blackmailDebbie Dobbins
@DebbiePlayaGirl @KiddyCharts I hear ya on the ‘blackmail’ – especially if you’ve ALREADY bought ads for more fans. #smschatMari Smith
@MariSmilth I’ve been using the moblie app for FB a lot more lately since getting iPhone5 & noticed I can’t repost or reshare-true? #smschatDewi Maile Lim
@DewiMaileLim unfortunately yes 🙁 #SMSchatIvo Madaleno
@ivomadaleno Thanks for confirming! #SMSchat (re: not being able to repost via FB moblie app) cc: @MariSmithDewi Maile Lim
Promoted posts and their effectiveness was a big talking point during the chat.
Mari: #smschat – tell us about the new "promote this" button on #Facebook — what are the benefits of using it? Thanks!Diane R. Castro
@MariSmith Have you found Promoted posts or Sponsored stories to be especially effective? Which is better? #smschatAdam Justice
@etelligence For sure Promoted Posts is worthwhile; preferably only to fans not friends of fans. The latter get freaked out. Lol. #smschatMari Smith
@etelligence Does depend on objectives, e.g. I’m running a contest & want more peeps to see it, so Sponsored Story! #smschatMari Smith
@etelligence By ‘more peeps’ = reach a wider audience. Facebook users r used to ads; not in news feed if they didn’t like a page. #smschatMari Smith
Hey @MariSmith What is the short explanation for the low Facebook Page post views? #SMSchatVirtually Savvy
@virtuallysavvy I know the Average is 16%, and I recently saw an average for Promoted posts jump to 35% (large data pool) #smschatAdam Justice
@etelligence 16%??? That’s awful, seriously…Virtually Savvy
@virtuallysavvy You reach 20% through e-mail Marketing, and that’s a stationary target. Is 16% bad for a moving target? #smschatAdam Justice
@etelligence good point. Love the target analogy. #smschatJed Duffield
Heck no & it shouldn’t be that low…HRT @etelligence: 20% through e-mail Marketing, a stationary target. Is16% bad? #smschatRobyn
In early 2011, before Facebook brought out EdgeRank, it was clear that more users were getting posts from fan pages, and I noticed more page posts in my feed. I the grand scheme of things however, having 16 percent subscriber reach is just slightly below the average e-mail list open rate. The best argument in favor of the current 16% average impression rate for Facebook page posts is a recent article I had just read on Amy Porterfield’s blog.
Question 2 for the Community
Q 2: What avenues have you found for attracting fans that are truly engaged? Other communities? #smschatAdam Justice
.@etelligence A 2: Connecting with people at live events; hosting my own events. Then maintain connection via Facebook page. #smschatMari Smith
.@etelligence A2: Also on my blog posts, encouraging peeps to like my page & subscribe to my profile. Drop in those buttons! #smschatMari Smith
.@etelligence A 2: Main thing is to REALLY, truly know your audience and get REALLY good at providing content they LOVE! #smschatMari Smith
A2: At SMS, we keep constantly connected with Fan Page fans through our Facebook Group. I agree with Mari, Offline Networking! #smschatAdam Justice
One of the highlights (and most Re-Tweeted) parts of the chat – when Mari shared some of her favorite Facebook apps and solutions with the group.
@MariSmith What is your favourite Facebook app for Pages? #smschatJennifer Baker
@MariSmith I plan to run a contest…any particular 3rd party you can recommend? #smschatRWOK
@MariSmith Do you have any facebook apps you really like? #smschatPatti Langell
.@PattiLangell YES! I love @Woobox, @Tabsite, @Strutta, Static HTML http://on.fb.me/R4ZScG and more! #smschatMari Smith
Facebook Tip: Want a way for users to leave you a voicemail on your fan page?! Check out @SpeakPipe app! 🙂 #smschatMari Smith
Facebook Tip: Want a way to add a LIVE chat widget (with your live agents) on your Fan Page? See: http://bit.ly/RFECKv #smschatMari Smith
Fav newly discovered Facebook tool -fbrss.com -subscribe to profiles and pages. #smschatJanet Thaeler
@marismith What is your opinion of having Facebook status updates feed directly to Twitter? #SMSChatJennifer Quinn
.@JennyQ Oooh, totally depends on VOLUME. If posting on Facebook say 3-5x a day (which is a LOT), then okay to hook up Twitter. #smschatMari Smith
As long as you remember to engage on Twitter also…OK! RT @jennyq: @MariSmith opinion of Facebook status updates feed to Twitter? #SMSChatRobyn
@aflyonthewall Yea — great point! #SMSChatJennifer Quinn
@MariSmith When do you start your SM Day?Films About Me
@FilmsAboutMe Ha! Depends when I get up. But I’m online typically by 7:30am. 🙂 #smschatMari Smith
@mariSmith is the FB algorithm in use on lists feed or only on news feed? I have noticed that in lists don’t appear all the posts tooIvo Madaleno
@ivomadaleno I thought every post goes into Interest Lists but several folks noticing some missing. Be sure to check settings. #smschatMari Smith
@ivomadaleno There’s a way to control which types of posts go into the news feed (list), so double check that. #smschatMari Smith
@MariSmith have you had much experience with Offers? What are your thoughts on the ‘Collections’ feature? Any tips? #smschatAdam Justice
.@etelligence New Facebook Collections feature = very clever. 2013 could finally be the F-commerce breakout year!! #smschatMari Smith
.@etelligence I *LOVE* Facebook Offers. Genius feature. Blogged about it here in Feb: http://bit.ly/PEWTvc (now need $ads tho!) #smschatMari Smith
Question 3 for the Community
Q 3: Do you use Facebook more for personal use or business use? #smschatAdam Justice
.@etelligence A 3: For 5.5 years, I’ve used Facebook for 99% business 1% personal. 🙂 #smschatMari Smith
.@marismith WOW! 99% business! No wonder you are the expert! 🙂 #SMSChatJennifer Quinn
A 3: I still use it for personal the majority of the time. I like sharing stupid pictures, and seeing other people’s humorous posts #smschatAdam Justice
.@etelligence A3: Facebook Groups are one of my FAVORITE Facebook features. I have groups for ALL my courses, events, alumni! #smschatMari Smith
@MariSmith me too Mari! It changes the whole dynamic of the network. #smschatAdam Justice
I got a lot of questions about this following topic after the chat – What is the Best Time of Day to Post to Facebook?
Is there a tool to easily see what time of day your audience is online or responds best? #Facebook #smschatJanet Thaeler
@NewspaperGrl #smschat We would love to know that too! @MariSmithAGHA
I use @Crowdbooster RT @newspapergrl: tool to easily see what time of day your audience is online or responds best? #Facebook #smschatNate McGee
Thanks @Nate_McGee: I use @Crowdbooster (to easily see what time of day your audience is online or responds best) #smschatJanet Thaeler
In addition to Crowdbooster, Facebook’s own analytics package, Facebook Insights, gives detailed information about engagement. Here are some additional resources regarding the best time to post on Facebook.-PageleverSocial BakersTime is on Your Side on the Bit.ly Blog
The Science of Facebook Timing on Kissmetrics
I’m having to save some of these Tweets to check out After the chat! 🙂 Great stuff from @MariSmith here on #SMSchat #smschatAdam Justice
How did I miss Q2? lol #SMSChat Loving the answers, though.Jennifer Quinn
When a participant asked Mari if she has ever consulted with Facebook, we found out that Facebook may have a version of the Bat Phone where they can reach their evangelistic and helpful super hero. Mari denied the existence of the “Facebook Phone”, but we’re suspicious!
@marismith Does FB consult with you….ever? 🙂 Like prior to making changes, requesting input….etc….#smschatJennifer Quinn
.@JennyQ YES!! I have a large blue phone on my desk that is a DIRECT hotline to Mark Zuckerberg!! #smschat (ha! #kidding)Mari Smith
@MariSmith @JennyQ LOL… but it never rings #SMSchatIvo Madaleno
@MariSmith @JennyQ hahaha you wish 🙂 as do we! 🙂 #smschatMichelle Harris
@michelledh No kidding, right? #smschatJennifer Quinn
@marismith Does it have a big "LIKE" thumb on it? 🙂 #smschat ;-)Jennifer Quinn
.@JennyQ LOL – my big blue phone on my desk has a picture of Mark Zuckerberg and "poke" buttons. hehee 😀 #smschatMari Smith
If Zuckerberg was smart, he would send Mari a Book Phone! Facebook is like the emperor, sometimes not synced with the peeps! #smschatAdam Justice
@etelligence LOL – SO true!! I’ve been to Facebook HQ but yet to meet Zuck or Cheryl in person. 2013 is the year!! #smschatMari Smith
@pattilangell @MariSmith No kidding — would be great if FB got legitimate user input. Mari Smith for Pres! #smschatJennifer Quinn
@JennyQ @PattiLangell Agreed. Facebook has user groups… but sometimes methinks they are far removed from real biz users! #smschatMari Smith
@JennyQ Hahaa — I’m sitting here with @LoriWestbay on my team and we are so cracking up laughing visualizing this phone! #smschatMari Smith
You mean this phone Mari?
During the #SMSchat we found out @marismith has a special phone – so Facebook can reach her in a moment’s notice! http://pic.twitter.com/VLLM8ZlBAdam Justice
@MariSmith , @LoriWestbay I’m going to try and draw it up in Photoshop this weekend !! #smschatAdam Justice
@etelligence Ha, I’d love that! I once mocked up a pic of me driving a turquoise Ferrari ‘cuz @GuyKawasaki said he’d buy it for me! #smschatMari Smith
@marismith So did @GuyKawasaki follow through? hmmm? #SMSChatJennifer Quinn
@MariSmith @etelligence @GuyKawasaki well he should keep that promise, loved when he was on your … erm show? .. loved it #smschatMichelle Harris
@JennyQ teeheee, @GuyKawasaki will def buy me that blue Ferrari… when I help to sell 7.5M copies of #Enchantment. 🙂 #smschatMari Smith
@etelligence but Zuckerberg is not the smartest and we know that lol #smschatMiriam Slozberg
@MariSmith hey mari – love your work … oh its like you are famous 🙂 lol #smschatMichelle Harris
@michelledh Aw thanks a bil! #smschatMari Smith
@MariSmith we have 2500 emailaddresses for our monthly newsletter (non-profit). Do you recommend sending a FB invite to all? #smschatHarold Vogelaar
@Vogelaar ABSOLUTELY!!!! Hello? heheee! Not only an invite, but include CTA in *every* email, footer, newsletter! #smschatMari Smith
@MariSmith Will we ever see a Mari International Mobile Application or facebook Application? #smschatAdam Justice
.@etelligence Ohhhh yes for sure!! Here at Mari HQ, we are cooking up all kinds of mischief! Apps + mobile in 2013 most def. #smschatMari Smith
@MariSmith do you update manually or use a program? @ivomadaleno #smschatFabiola Christensen
@hejfabiola @ivomadaleno I use HootSuite for scheduling my tweets. Facebook scheduler for fan page. And that’s it. 😉 #smschatMari Smith
@MariSmith Hi there Mari! Do you have a "best" service to recommend that streamlines FB, twitter, etc. all at the same time? #smschatRWOK
@YourGemologist @hootsuite @rwokon I use the main Twitter UI. HootSuite for scheduling. And TweetCasterPro for iPhone. 🙂 #smschatMari Smith
@aflyonthewall @hootsuite @Nate_McGee True. I like to see my comments & mentions in context. Twitter UI easily shows convo thread. #smschatMari Smith
@aflyonthewall @etelligence For my "IRL" besties, we connect via email, text, phone, f2f… and FB is lower priority. #smschatMari Smith
@MariSmith besides sharing your content on Twitter, Facebook etc. What are other ways to get more traffic to your site for free? #smschatNate McGee
.@Nate_McGee Love this Q. Email marketing. Blogging. Guest blogging. Public speaking. Telesem & webinar. Radio interviews. #smschatMari Smith
@MariSmith we’ve just started to get sought out by Radio shows and Podcasters at SMS. It draws in a different kind of user! #smschatAdam Justice
@etelligence Fantastic – that is exciting news about the radio shows!! cc @Nate_McGee #smschatMari Smith
.@Nate_McGee Commenting on popular blogs. Plus, ensure your author tag is on your blog so better optimized for G+ on Google. #smschatMari Smith
@MariSmith I’ve recently been getting acquainted with the author tag. It’s a great thing. TY so much for the tips! #smschatNate McGee
@aflyonthewall they did just institute Google authorship, which will likely play a role in SEO in the near future #smschatAdam Justice
@MariSmith how do you feel about twitter, you don’t love it as much as FB right #smschatMichelle Harris
@michelledh Oh, I *LOVE* Twitter – always have since 2007! Facebook & Twitter = very different experiences. #smschatMari Smith
@MariSmith totally I agree, I actually prefer twitter but working on what you say is helping my fb #smschatMichelle Harris
@marismith what do you think the biggest problem people have with succeeding on Facebook? #smschatAdam Justice
@michelledh @etelligence Def biggest problem for biz’s on Facebook is REACH. Getting right people to see your posts. #smschatMari Smith
@michelledh @etelligence BUT, starts w/ really knowing your audience. What CONTENT they want. What times they’re online. #smschatMari Smith
@MariSmith that’s what I find. #LackOfStrategy . #smschatAdam Justice
@etelligence Exactly. Peeps just jump in & often copy other pages… but could be totally different audience/approach. #smschatMari Smith
@marismith Thanx, I thought there might be a privacy issue, as the FB invite is from a personal profile? Working on better CTA’s #smschatHarold Vogelaar
@Vogelaar OHHH – okay. Take the URL of the Facebook PAGE (or profile is okay if subscribe turned on) & place in emails. #smschatMari Smith
@Vogelaar Don’t load up your email list to Facebook & send the invite from FB. Send via your email program & incl FB URL. #smschatMari Smith
For the fourth question, we decided to give chat participants as much time asking Mari what they wanted to know. Mari was more than happy to answer everyone’s questions, and stayed as long as her schedule would allow.
Q 4 (last question): If you could ask Mari Smith 1 question, what would it be? 🙂 #smschatAdam Justice
@MariSmith any ideas when the search function on FB will work better? Apologies everyone if my last tweet looked like a promo 🙁 #smschatCOMPANY NETWORKING
@Comp_Networking Yes, uber improved Facebook search is def coming soon… 2013 likely. See http://tcrn.ch/SwY7Ut #smschatMari Smith
@marismith how much are you using Google+ and do you have a routine you follow every day #smschatAida Ingram
@aninspiredyou I fell in love with Google+ when it launched summer ’11. Fab platform. I need more hours to dedicate there! 🙂 #smschatMari Smith
#smschat How do you see Facebook becoming current for the next generation of social media users?james goodman
@MariSmith, how do you see the future of FB business pages with the limited reach they now have? #SMSchatTypewriteTranscript
@TypewriteSA Hmm, Facebook will keep iterating w/ new products e.g. Offers, Collections, apps etc. #smschatMari Smith
A 4: Did you like the movie "The Social Network" ?? haha #smschatAdam Justice
@etelligence A4: The Social Network was extremely well acted & directed. I didn’t personally care for the focus on the lawsuits. 🙂 #smschatMari Smith
@MariSmith Blogging/Guest Blogging – Check! Public speaking, radio interviews, telesem & webinar are things I need to look into. TY #smschatNate McGee
@ivomadaleno @etelligence Amen. Agreed! Mobile + video. Webisodes, now "mobisodes" 😉 #smschatMari Smith
Coined a new term? MariSmith @ivomadaleno @etelligence Amen. Agreed! Mobile + video. Webisodes, now "mobisodes" 😉 #smschatAdam Justice
@etelligence @ivomadaleno hehee, no I can’t take credit for "mobisodes" – very popular in India actually! #smschatMari Smith
@MariSmith @michelledh @etelligence how can I find out when people on twitter or Facebook is online? #smschatFabiola Christensen
@hejfabiola @michelledh @etelligence Just by keeping an eye on your tweet stream & FB news feed. Also experiment w/ post times. #smschatMari Smith
@marismith Can you talk about Interest lists? There’s an update going around FB saying "Add us to Interests to see posts" #SMSChatJennifer Quinn
@MariSmith how do you find new content to your online platforms? Facebook lists? Looking forward to hearing what you do 🙂 #smschatFabiola Christensen
@hejfabiola YES – I *love* my Interest Lists! See this recent post: http://bit.ly/QlRR2S #smschatMari Smith
@marismith I actually use FB Lists for companies I work for…#smschatRobyn
@aflyonthewall Fantastic. Facebook Interest Lists seem to be a true hidden gem & def a way to gain back control of our News Feed! #smschatMari Smith
How are you using FB List for companiesRT @aflyonthewall: @marismith I actually use FB Lists for companies I work for…#smschat #smschatAida Ingram
@aninspiredyou – clients – different lists for corp interests – less noise! #smschatRobyn
@MariSmith what’s the order in which you check your top 5 social networks on a typical day? #smschatNate McGee
@Nate_McGee Ooh great Q. Twitter @mentions > Facebook profile notifications > FB fan page post comments > FB Lists > FB groups! #smschatMari Smith
HA – mobile? RT @marismith: Twitter @mentions > Facebook profile notifications > FB fan page post comments > FB Lists > FB groups! #smschatGemShows
@GemShows yup, all done on mobile over breakfast before I get to my desk. 🙂 #smschatMari Smith
One of the most VALUABLE thing I’ve ever learned from @marismith is to never, ever let someone be your "voice" online! Thank you!! #smschatJennifer Quinn
.@michelledh @JennyQ @MariSmith Not in personal voice — only biz voice #smschatJennifer Quinn
@JennyQ @marismith no one ever tweets of Fb’s status’s for you? ever ? #smschatMichelle Harris
@michelledh @JennyQ Anytime I speak in first person, it’s me. I do have help *finding* content. But can’t delegate conversation. #smschatMari Smith
@michelledh @JennyQ I did create a Ninja way to scale support on Facebook; my "Team Mari" page admins answer Qs on my main page! #smschatMari Smith
@MariSmith @JennyQ and its known that it is them "team mari" #smschatMichelle Harris
@michelledh @JennyQ Exactly. Posts are actually made by the Team Mari fan page & always signed by the moderator. #smschatMari Smith
I think the most valuable thing I’ve learned from @marismith is PR – how to treat others consistently. Still practicing 🙂 #smschatAdam Justice
@etelligence Aw thanks, Adam! And thanks for today – awesome and lively #smschat group. Your chat is off to a flying start.Mari Smith
@MariSmith why does a FB Page ‘like’ not show as a numeric like? Surely these are genuine ‘likes’ and would increase engagement b2b #smschatCOMPANY NETWORKING
@Comp_Networking Yeah. Basically Facebook only counts users as likes, not page likes. 🙁 #smschatMari Smith
We let everyone know how to stretch the hour we had with Mari into 4 hours – Her #SMcrunchtime event is scheduled for Tuesday October. 23, at 1:00pm EST. Most of our readers are avid fans of Mari Smith as well though, and had already registered!
So @marismith , I’m going to be at CrunchTime, care to tell the rest of our guests about it? #smschatAdam Justice
@etelligence SUPER excited about the LIVE studio audience, special guest experts (my 2 power mentors), professional host Gage. #smschatMari Smith
Make sure you guys sign up for Mari’s Free Live Webcast for Tuesday, the 23rd http://goo.gl/msXQV get 3 more hours with her! #smschatAdam Justice
@etelligence Your #smschat peeps will def get TONS of valuable, actionable social media, Facebook & business building content! #SMcrunchtimeMari Smith
Definitely @MariSmith . You guys want more wisdom from Mari? 3 more hours Tuesday for #SMcrunchtime http://goo.gl/msXQV #smschatAdam Justice
@rwokon @YourGemologist @hootsuite Awesome – we’ll see you next Tues! 🙂 #SMcrunchtime #smschatMari Smith
@rwokon @PattiLangell teeheee… maybe I should fly out all 4,500 registered peeps to #SMcrunchtime?! 😉 #smschatMari Smith
Our hour had passed, and everyone thanked Mari before she had to go! I loved the positivity that was consistent throughout the entire chat! It’s a great way to turn around a bad day, or make a great day even better!
First time at #smschat awesome content!Martha Giffen
great chat @MariSmith #smschatLana Bandoim
Thanks @Marismith I appreciate the shares #smschatAida Ingram
@etelligence great chat adam lovely to talk to @marismith … nice job all 🙂 #smschatMichelle Harris
Thank you for being my teacher @MariSmith, and thank you @Etelligence for orchestrating this event : ) #smschatEmpowermentalist
Ciao Un grande saluto a tutti #smschatManuela Tosi
@MariSmith @PattiLangell Love it! That would make my day! Here is a RWOK for you Mari for a great #smschat! http://pic.twitter.com/KtxsRUZnRWOK
@MariSmith it’s 1am in the UK. Although I am an Entrepreneur I need to sleep. Thanks for the opportunity to interact 🙂 Night All #smschatCOMPANY NETWORKING
Thanks @MariSmith @Ty_Garland & I will see you Tuesday. Thanks for #SMSchatGuild West
Thanks a lot @marismith for making our first SMSchat one to remember! I knew you would rock it though. #smschatAdam Justice
@etelligence Wow, what a lovely thing to say. I’m honored. Thanks, Adam! #smschatMari Smith
@aflyonthewall you’re very welcome! & mpowermentalist , and everyone! Great Chat, will be hard to top next month! #smschatAdam Justice
My awesome #smschat friends – thanks for the fabulous chat!! Hope I got everyone’s Qs! … gotta scoot to next appointment. ???Mari Smith
If you enjoyed this #SMSchat, Subscribe to our Blog to get updates about next months #SMSchat, focusing on another social network, and featuring another great Social Media Guest!
@JennyQ @etelligence Truly my pleasure – thanks for reaching out. Maybe someone will create a @storify for the best #smschat nuggets?Mari Smith
just joined at the tail end – would love to see the @storify #smschatDavid Forbes
We’ll definitely be putting a @storify page up, or transcript! Follow @Sun_Social or me to get an update when it goes live! #smschatAdam Justice
@etelligence @Storify @sun_social Fantastico – glad to hear about the Storify for #smschat. :DMari Smith
Well Mari, we took your advice 🙂 . I hope you enjoyed the Storified #SMSchat 1. You can always visit our blog for more Social Media Goodness. 
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