Rise and Shine

How To Promote Your Ebook On Twitter

How To Promote Your Ebook On Twitter

May 30, 2024

Twitter seems to be one of those tools that most people don’t fully utilize. For a long time it was seen as nothing more than an interesting social network, a way to quickly convey a thought. But somewhere along the way people began to realize how important a resource it was for marketing, promotion and customer engagement. The implications for the...

How to Print Your Social Media Memories

How to Print Your Social Media Memories

Mar 7, 2024

In the days of Myspace, it would have been inconceivable that a social media profile could be turned into a physical keepsake. But things have changed, and thanks to different programs like Twitter and Facebook, you can make a decent memory book that can be printed out. Why would you want to do this? Well, we share an awful lot of our lives on social media...

How to Boost Sales with Social Media

How to Boost Sales with Social Media

Aug 1, 2023

Social media is one of those tools that experts all agree should be utilized, but can never agree on exactly how. Advice for campaigns are becoming increasingly numbers based, and that makes it confusing. They claim there is a magic formula of analytics, but you’d have to be part computer to really understand it. I have a secret to let you in on: the...

5 Community Building WordPress Plugins

5 Community Building WordPress Plugins

May 16, 2022

If you have a blog you might be facing a bit of a conundrum: how do you engage with people more directly? Social media is well and good, but it isn’t bringing the returns you had hoped. Besides, it is aimed more at marketing style communication, and that isn’t quite what you are looking for. The problem is that you are asking the wrong question. It...

5 SEO Tips For Blogging And Content Creation

5 SEO Tips For Blogging And Content Creation

Feb 21, 2022

Creating a successful blog is not as simple as generating repetitive content and purchasing an official domain name. Learning how to best improve your blog’s SEO, or search engine optimization, is fundamental for online success. Most blogging platforms provide a solid SEO foundations in terms of site structure, URL slugs, internal links, etc. Using a few...

Facebook Video Ads and Your Small Business: 6 Tips to Help You Win New Audiences

Facebook Video Ads and Your Small Business: 6 Tips to Help You Win New Audiences

Nov 1, 2021

As the top social network, Facebook remains the primary target of advertising and marketing efforts for many small businesses. The platform’s basic setup is especially ideal for service-based businesses, since members often look for referrals from their friends through the site. For firms trying to attract new customers, that makes Facebook an essential online...

Google and Data Security

Google and Data Security

Sep 23, 2021

Governments all over the world want to get their hands on user data from Google for a variety of purposes. Google started tracking the number of these requests in 2010, and has released these numbers in transparency reports every six month. This week, with the search giant’s sixth transparency report, it’s clear to see that these requests are ...

Create a Brand Name: Protect Your Investment

Create a Brand Name: Protect Your Investment

Jul 27, 2021

You can concentrate on the technology and marketing principles all you want, but a large part of digital marketing falls back on your unique branding that stems from basic choices you make during the development stages of your business. Your name, logo and other less controlled associations will play a part in public perception for the life of your business, so...