Rise and Shine

How Corporations Use Your Social Media Data Against You

How Corporations Use Your Social Media Data Against You

Jul 11, 2012

Banks, government institutions, insurers and ecommerce businesses are using your social media output to control your access to money, goods and services, sounds scary right!   OK let me give you an obvious positive instance of how social media monitoring can be good for society. Incidents like these give lobbyists and corporations ammunition to fight...

The Definition of Social Media is Not Important

The Definition of Social Media is Not Important

Jul 9, 2012

It must be a slow news day when you see rhetorical questions and arguments concerning semantics as fodder for blog posts. Is Twitter a social network or a broadcasting platform? Is Instagram a social network? Is Social Media a vocation? What makes media social? Sometimes people will even go as far to try and define social media. You know a blog post is going to...

The Digital Age: Taking Accountability to the Next Level

The Digital Age: Taking Accountability to the Next Level

Jul 2, 2012

Last week the Internet, and American culture in particular, was forced to take a long hard look at our society after four middle school aged children nefariously bullied an elderly bus monitor on the last day of school. In the video the four boys call Karen Klein fat, make several off hand comments about her sweating and call her poor, at one point going on a...

3 Social Media Parody Applications to Lighten the Mood

3 Social Media Parody Applications to Lighten the Mood

Jun 27, 2012

When it comes to the business of social media, we don’t have near as much fun as we should. For an industry that runs on time honored traditions such as “Caturday” and sharing planking pictures, the business side can be really monotonous. Aside from the constant stream of affirmations and inspirational quotes flowing through your Twitter stream, you’re...

Planning for Social Media Success

Planning for Social Media Success

Jun 26, 2012

One of the biggest mistakes people make with social media marketing is not creating a valid plan with a course of action they can carry through to the end result and meet their goals.   I can’t tell you how many times clients have come to me and said things like:   I made a Facebook fan page and nothing happened. I use Twitter but no one ever talks...

9 Photo Filter & Effects Applications to Replace Instagram

9 Photo Filter & Effects Applications to Replace Instagram

Jun 22, 2012

Do you love the look that photo filters give Instagram photos, but don’t own a Smartphone that works with Instagram? Or maybe you do but you want to be able to get the same look on photos you didn’t take with your phone, such as professional photos or those you have saved on your computer’s hard drive. The good news is there are many great applications...

Social Media Fraud Prevention

Social Media Fraud Prevention

Jun 13, 2012

Let’s be honest, most of the Social Media fraud prevention advice being touted by mainstream media is just not being followed.   It seems to me that we have a social media generation, who would see any life event that was not shared on Facebook or Twitter as significantly devalued. The standard, “Don’t over-share” advice, just does not seem...

3 Social Networks Emerge as Facebook IPO Plummets

3 Social Networks Emerge as Facebook IPO Plummets

Jun 5, 2012

  Even though Facebook stock didn’t soar to 100$ per share during its first day of trading on NASDAQ, the platform has surpassed all expectations in terms of sheer size and potential reach. Online social networking and sharing has been officially adopted by the masses as a primary leisure activity, and it looks like social media will be around for a long time...