Rise and Shine

Facebook Marketing Infographic for 2015

64 Facebook marketing tactics, organized into eight categories, all focused on what works in social media marketing for 2015.  Select one tactic from each category for a possible 4 million different campaigns.

For example:

#7 Mine Insights for fan data

#9 Which post has the best reach?

#20 Pinned posts = greater visibility

#28 People engaged fans are most valuable

#40 Hold a contest offering $10 gift certificate toward purchase for everyone who enters

#42 Display a call-to-action on your Facebook page Timeline cover

#49 Reward fans who tag your business

#57 Ads are a must for 2015 to reach more of your fans


Combine these tactics to find your most engaged fans and your most popular posts.  Hold a contest targeting those fans, in the format of your most popular posts, and hold a contest around it, offer a gift certificate.  Offer a bonus for fans who tag your business and share about the contest.  Display a reminder about the contest on your Timeline cover, and consider boosting the post to reach more of your fans.

That’s just one of the four million possibilities you can create from the tactics on the Facebook Marketing infographic from Socialmediaonlineclasses.com.

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