Rise and Shine

The Impact of FUFISM on Search Engine Results

FUFISM or Functional User Friendly Integrated social media is a marketing philosophy where SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the primary marketing metric and the social media is used as a communication tool to ensure that all persons working on your online marketing work together in a collaborative manner.


The primary issue is to ensure that the intended target market is kept in mind at all stages of the development of your online content and that Good, well managed target market research data is distributed to each person working on your online resource in the best manner for that individual to interpret the data and make appropriate use of the available target market research.

Besides target market research and the associated key word research with related copy writing issues, the graphic artists and the online resource lay-out need to be managed to suit the intended target market’s expected visual tastes and make sense to both users and search engines.

This info graphic shows how the many different marketing professionals need to work together and offer feed back to each other in a collaborative manner, where each can see how their own work fits into the completed online resource.

The purple line  that connects all the different work areas shows that each professional has an impact on every other professional who is collaborating on your content construction.

The red double headed arrows show that each person working on your online content construction has both an input to the end product and feed back from the team that is actually assembling all the different components into the end product. this is essential as those assembling the end product need to be kept in check and shown the importance and value of the different aspects of each individuals efforts, so as to ensure that the maximum audience engagement impact is achieved

The green arrows show the impact or rather intended impact on the search engine of both the in-page stuff and the off page stuff that collectively forms your total SEO impact.  These two separate sections of your SEO need to be aligned and discuss SEMANTICALLY similar issues in ways that a search engine can interpret as being part and parcel of one single online resource, with tactics to the social media that re-enforce the same semantically similar efforts in a way that is understandable by both humans and search engines.

FUFISM thus has a very positive impact on your Search Engine Results Pages (SERP’s) through the semantic association of your social media posts and the content that is being marketed and promoted through the social media.

Other offline media such as news paper advertising, radio adverts flyers and other marketing efforts add to this by inducing your intended target market to choose the words that they will use in their search queries, which match the semantic foot print of your total online effort, thus netting both the social media posts as well as the intended source destination in their SERP’s.

Infographic source. The 4ubrand blog discusses Search Engine Optimization and related marketing issues from a FUFISM perspective.

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