Rise and Shine

My Experience with @MyBlogU… So Far

myblogu-01A couple of weeks ago I heard about a service called MyBlogU.com. Having been a user of MyBlogGuest and Viral Content Buzz for quite some time, I was eager to try it out and see it if matched up to the quality I have come to expect from Ann Smarty.

This was my experience using it.

What Is MyBlogU?

MyBlogU is a content marketing platform that is designed to create an entire community of users. It works by providing a place for people to share ideas, content they have produced, and digital media with like minded users.

Sharing content has been a big part of Ann Smarty’s overall business model in the past. Unlike MyBlogGuest. There isn’t a focus here on building links, even valid ones. It is more about the content itself, with special attention paid to the networking that will take place along the way.


  • Brainstorming – This was my personal favorite part from the very beginning. You can post your ideas and get feedback from others in the community. I thought I would have to build up my circle of friends first, but that wasn’t the case. My very first suggestion got about a dozen replies, and really helped me to develop my concept. I ended up with a plan for an entire series, not just the one blog post.
  • Group Interviews – There are so many people, and many of them are content marketing experts. Or experts from other industries. So you can get some great quotes from people, and create a group interview post to share on your site. Just ask questions, and wait for people to answer. It is also a great insight into the current trends in your industry.

  • Digital Asset Gallery – I found some amazing infographics in their gallery. A lot of people will post their digital work, and let others give them feedback, or request to republish it on their own sites. I haven’t used it much (yet!), but I plan on creating some visual content and uploading it there. Hopefully, it will go over as well as everything else has.

Other Benefits

Making Connections

I was able to meet some really cool people, and made some valuable connections I wouldn’t have otherwise made. Including a couple of guest posting opportunities that have really boosted my traffic.

Getting Fresh Ideas

Seeing other people’s ideas helped spark my own. So did getting feedback, which allowed me to expand on my concepts and really explore creative possibilities.

Improving My Content

I have gotten some great tips on how to improve my overall content, as well as my content marketing strategy. With many new pairs of eyes, I have been able to narrow my focus, as well. I feel like the future of my blog is looking much brighter now that I have gained a new perspective.

My Final Thoughts

I really like MyBlogU, which isn’t a surprise given my like of the other related sister sites. It is definitely recommended.

Anna Fox
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