Rise and Shine

WordPress vs. Blogger: Which is Best?

WordPress vs. Blogger: Which is Best?

Feb 4, 2025

The WordPress and Blogger platforms were the catalyst for making blogging so accessible. With little to no experience, a user can create a destination that is customized, and ready for posting. If you want to spend the majority of your time on creating your blog content rather than having to deal with the technical issues, then a hosted blog service like...

Instagram for Business

Instagram for Business

Jan 4, 2024

There are many businesses out there today who are taking advantage of Instagram to promote their products or services and expand their mobile presence. Big brands using Instagram include National Geographic, NPR, NBC News, Playboy, Pepsi, CNN, Starbucks, Grammys, and even David Blaine. Lots of people have been asking “What is Instagram?” after...

Privacy Settings in Social Media

Privacy Settings in Social Media

Jun 20, 2021

Social networks almost always offer an array of privacy settings and sharing filters, but most privacy features are as different as they are confusing. As soon as you figure out one network, they change the settings or the layout, or you find out that you’ve misunderstood the privacy settings all along. Social networks almost always offer an...

Seven Premium Social Media Tracking and Analytics Tools

Seven Premium Social Media Tracking and Analytics Tools

Jan 26, 2021

Measuring your social media success used to be a cumbersome process. You would need to track your own measurements across all platforms and then analyze them yourself in a spreadsheet. Of all the advice you’ll hear about social media marketing, tracking your progress to examine the return on your investment is a point everyone agrees on. It’s impossible to...

Social Media College Degrees and Courses

Social Media College Degrees and Courses

Jul 3, 2019

Most Social Media professionals studied subjects like marketing, communications and computer science while in college. Practicing social media professionally requires more skills than any component subject covers. As demand has grown for trained social media managers and analysts, Universities and Colleges around the country have adapted courses and programs to...

Get the Most Out of Your Content By Optimizing for Success

Get the Most Out of Your Content By Optimizing for Success

May 29, 2019

Can you make my content bring traffic? Everyone that is associated with social media has heard this question at least once. People that are unfamiliar with the culture of the Internet do not quite understand what a faux pas trying to engineer viral content can be; or that the mechanisms that lead to content spread will fight against content that was created...

Impact of Social Media on Society: 5 Times Social Changed the World

Impact of Social Media on Society: 5 Times Social Changed the World

Feb 17, 2019

As a society, social media impacts our daily lives in ways that we could have never imagined five years ago. 81 percent of family lawyers confirmed an increase in cases using social networking evidence in the last 5 years. Social networking sites like Facebook, Youtube and Twitter are fast becoming a constant source of alternative news for Internet users, and...

The Power of Social Media for Bloggers

The Power of Social Media for Bloggers

Sep 17, 2013

Bloggers were less focused on ROI and analytics and more focused on the human readers who were going to see their posts. They wanted to know how to bring in more readers and how to build a solid blogging community, using social media. Most also wanted to be more comfortable with the technical side of social media and integrating it with their blog, and were capable of following directions when given to them, even on technical issues.