Rise and Shine

How Do You Monitor and Manage Twitter Mentions (Group Mastermind + Twitter Chat)?


On August 1 (Friday) 11 am EDT we are meeting with the Twitter experts to discuss how to make the most of your brand Twitter mentions.

Please join us during the Twitter chat here.

For that, I have collected experts’ opinions (thanks, MyBlogU!) to give you a better idea of what we are going to discuss. Here are our participating experts:

Paul Shapiro

Paul Shapiro

@fighto Paul Shapiro is a search marketer that loves to take both a technical and creative approach to SEO. He is SEO Director at @CatalystSEM, a WPP Agency


Patricia Weber

@patweber Patricia Weber, Author of upcoming book, Communication Toolkit for #Introverts. Patricia is wife, mom, grandma, furbaby lover, vocal political views.

Manish Patel

Manish Patel

@reviewzap Manish Patel, Chief Editor at ReviewZAP.com

Jacob Curtis

Jacob Curtis

@JacobkCurtis Jacob is a Digital Marketing Strategist based in Portland, Oregon. An early adopter of digital media, Jacob has observed the evolution and adoption of social media in connecting people online. Working at Bonfire Marketing he continues to hone his craft and creates social media tutorials in his free time.



@mjtiscione Mike Tiscione is the professional social media manager. His experience covers a wide range, including work in an agency environment, sports, and much more.

Questions we’ve been discussing (the same questions will be brought up during the Twitter chat as well!):

Q. Which tools are you using and how often for interacting on Twitter?

A. patriciaweber (Inspiring and supporting introverts and baby boomers)

My main resource in Commun.It. It lets me know who RTd, any replies and any Tweets. Because I use Hootsuite to schedule tweets, I often use it to interact on Twitter as well.

Retweet it: .@patweber‘s main resource is @commun_it

A. Paul Shapiro (SEO Director at Catalyst)

On my desktop computer, I tend to use twitter.com for Tweeting. I have a few Google Chrome extensions that I use that help me assess who it is that I am interacting with like The Klout extension which gives me a quick glance of authority without much thought and Riffle so that I can dive a little bit deeper if I want. Otherwise, I look for notifications from Twitter, which I always respond to even if it’s just an acknowledgment. I also set-up notifications for URLs and name mentions just in case I miss anything through a combination of Mention and Social Searcher. Interaction is key, and this how I ensure that I am managing it. I’m not doing anything too difficult. I abide by KISS.

Retweet it: @fighto‘s favorite Twitter tool is Riffle by @CrowdRiff

A. Manish Patel

I have tried many including Hootsuite and sproutsocial but for Twitter, my favorite one is SocialOomph. I have been using it for more than a year now and it offers tons of features.

A. mjtiscione (Social Media Manager)

I find Hootsuite to be the most effective tool for social media management. Being able to set up various streams allows you to have a complete overview of everything that’s happening, whether it’s seeing when people are mentioning your brand, when someone is tweeting out a link to your website, or keeping track of various keywords or hashtags, for example, it’s very useful. Interacting on Twitter frequently is important too – if people are feeling engaged in a timely manner, they’ll want to keep interacting with your brand.

Retweet it: @mjtiscione‘s favorite Twitter management tool is @Hootsuite

A. Jacob Curtis (Digital Marketing Strategist)

I use a tool called ManageFlitter to interact, organize, and grow my Twitter account. While I utilize the paid version of the service to build my following, you can use ManageFlitter’s free option to locate and remove inactive fake followers or schedule recurring tweets during optimal times. I use the tool daily to find influencers and conversations worth engaging with. I also use a tool called Triberr, a blogging community, to source content to tweet everyday.

Retweet it: .@JacobkCurtis‘s favorite tools are @ManageFlitter and @Triberr

Q. How often are you checking your Twitter notifications and how do you respond to them

A. patriciaweber (Inspiring and supporting introverts and baby boomers)

A couple of times a week. I often RT for others, RT a tweet that mentioned my handle, reply to questions, etc. Additionally I will add an appropriate hashtag.

A. Paul Shapiro (SEO Director at Catalyst)

I constantly check Twitter notifications on my phone, but I don’t always respond to them immediately. I respond when I have time, as quickly as possible. That means that I might respond in 30-second, and hour, or 5. On occasion I will receive a full torrent of notifications, and I go through them one-at-a-time, usually through Hootsuite or Tweetdeck on my desktop. I may also respond to some of them via my mobile phone.

A. mjtiscione (Social Media Manager)

For truly effective social management, it’s important to monitor the mentions and notifications as much as possible. If a major complaint or controversy comes through your brand’s mentions, it’s important to address the matter as soon as possible, for example. Having something like that come through, and not addressing it for a few hours is a problem that you want to avoid.

A. Jacob Curtis (Digital Marketing Strategist)

I tweet about 19 times a day and have over 22k followers. That all equals up to a whole lotta notifications. Admittedly, I’m constantly checking and responding to notifications during the day and use Twitter’s mobile app when I’m on the go. Luckily, I work at a digital marketing agency so it’s easy to have my account open along with our clients on a daily basis. Responding to users with a thank you or going a step further and retweeting one of their previous tweets is my go-to move, along with adding the user to a twitter list if applicable.

Q. What are the ways to increase Twitter interactions?

A. patriciaweber (Inspiring and supporting introverts and baby boomers)

One way I’ve found effective to increase Twitter interactions is to THANK people for their mention or RT. Quite often my thank you gets a reply of You’re Welcome. RTs get more interaction as well particularly when several handles are mentioned in a Tweet. Then it’s a high probability many mentioned will either RT, reply or favorite a tweet.

A. Paul Shapiro (SEO Director at Catalyst)

One of the best ways to increase Twitter interactions is know who you want to interact with. I’ve actually meticulously planned out people I would like to network with and correspond with on Twitter. Sometimes my Tweets are meant to be seen by specific people or a a group of people with specific psychographic or demographic quality, and you know what? It get their attention. It’s the old persona game.

When I share other people’s content, I make sure they know I about it and mention them.

I examine who I want to interact with through observations as well as using tools like BuzzSumo and  FollowerWonk, so that I can assess subject matter experts and authorities I should be interacting with.

On at least one occasion I’ve taken the time to map out a node graph of Twitter interactions of a particular user I wanted as a follower using Gephi (you can also use NodeXL). Interacting with the nodes that surround a person is an easy way to get on their radar.

A. Manish Patel

Finding audience. It depends on which niche you’re in but you can definitely find “what people are looking”. For example, I have often noticed several hosting companies replying anyone who mention them via #hashtag or @handle.

A. Jacob Curtis (Digital Marketing Strategist)

Aside from tweeting more relevant quality content and building an engaged targeted followerbase from the get-go, one of my favorite ways to increase Twitter interaction is to progress conversations further than the standard “thanks” reply.

For example, if one of my followers RTs an article I mention by an author I know, I’ll thank them, introduce them to the author, and encourage them to follow. Always remember there are real people behind the profiles who are happy to connect with other like-minded individuals. The best way to increase interactions is to interact.

Twitter engagements

Q. How to join the Twitter chat?

Out Twitter chat room is here. Please sign in and click through “Archives” if you miss the chat on Friday!

Anna Fox

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