Rise and Shine

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10 Free Video Tutorials for New Bloggers

10 Free Video Tutorials for New Bloggers

Sep 1, 2015

Youtube is probably the most addicting site on the web. We have all gotten trapped in a productivity hole, jumping on to catch a single video and realizing two hours later that we have frivolously wasted our afternoon. With so much content being uploaded literally every second from all over the world, much of it professional grade despite being amateur work, it...

5 Sites to Get Inspired

5 Sites to Get Inspired

Aug 17, 2015

Inspiration can be hard to come by. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with stimulation, before long it can feel like overload. Instead of offering you more ideas, it just crowds up your mind and leaves you desperately seeking to break through that mental barrier and find your own motivations. Believe it or not, the process can actually work for you...

Google Search Lands Killer Blow For Travel Sites

Google Search Lands Killer Blow For Travel Sites

Jul 22, 2015

This week Google quietly launched a new product feature in its search engine results pages. The service is called “Book By Google” and it allows searchers in North America to book hotels within the search results pages (SERPs), without having to visit hotel websites. This change could be devastating for the many hotel booking websites that have been built...

The Business Of Fashion: 7 Surprising Facts About The Fashion Industry

The Business Of Fashion: 7 Surprising Facts About The Fashion Industry

Jul 16, 2015

[The business of fashion is changing! Today we have our contributor talk about fashion and how the digital world has changed it!] Fashion. Love it or loathe it, it’s something you just can’t ignore. Whether you are flicking through the channels on your TV, strolling down the high street, or standing in line at the bus stop, you’ll likely be...

The Message Of An Image

The Message Of An Image

Jul 15, 2015

Graphics can generate a ton of traffic from image based search engines such as Google images.Images also improve virality and engagement of your content. But what is the message that you want an image to portray and how is this being told to your audience? Is each image meant to stand alone or are they to be grouped as part of a visual sales pitch or an...

How To Use Marketing Metrics To Boost Business

How To Use Marketing Metrics To Boost Business

Jul 13, 2015

Marketing metrics is, quite simply, collecting figures and statistics about your marketing and advertising efforts in order to find out what effect they are having. The aim is two-fold: To find out whether resultant sales justify the marketing spend To find out how to improve your marketing to produce better results This need to measure applies to both...

9 Best Responsive WordPress Themes In 2015

9 Best Responsive WordPress Themes In 2015

Jun 24, 2015

In the modern world, visitors can choose to look at your website using a range of devices, from the traditional PC to the more advanced technologies such as mobiles or tablets. The problem for most website owners is that these different devices are all differently sized, and all have different graphic viewers. This means that, in order to allow your visitors to...

Yes, You Can Still Build Links!

Yes, You Can Still Build Links!

May 30, 2015

One of the key components of a successful internet marketing strategy is having the right links to your business website. Link building, when done properly, can help improve your page ranking and increase your search engine visibility. Through links, search engines are able to find all of the content on your website to index that content. Consequently, your...



May 20, 2015

If you are a small business trying to find your way in the sea of social media confusion, we completely understand. With so many diverse social media platforms out there, it is difficult to know where to start. The good news is that you can harness the power of social media for your business no matter the size. The key is to start small and work your way up to...