Rise and Shine

10 Free Video Tutorials for New Bloggers

new-to-bloggingYoutube is probably the most addicting site on the web. We have all gotten trapped in a productivity hole, jumping on to catch a single video and realizing two hours later that we have frivolously wasted our afternoon.

With so much content being uploaded literally every second from all over the world, much of it professional grade despite being amateur work, it is one entertaining place to be.

But it can also be helpful. There are educational videos of every type, and one interesting genre that has been gaining popularity lately is blogging advice and guides. These are ten videos about blogging for the complete beginner that you should definitely check out if you are trying to start your own blog.

1. Our Blogging Tips and Advice

Want a quick, easy to follow video that gives a rundown of what you need to know to successfully run a blog? These ladies have you covered. They go through some of their best advice for making it work, gaining traffic and optimizing results. All in layman’s terms anyone can understand.

2. Introductions to Blogging


Eli the Computer Guy put together this hour long lecture that covers everything you need to know about blogging as an introduction to the entire concept. Very informative and thorough, even people who have had blogs before could benefit from watching this.

3. How To Start a Blog

A quickie but a goodie, this video looks at some rapid fire information on starting a blog. This includes some of the technical aspects, such as platform and domain. It is aimed at people who are completely lost about how to begin the process, which makes it a valuable tool. It is also only a few minutes long.

4. WordPress Blogging Tutorial For Beginners

WordPress is the most popular platform out there for bloggers right now. With two options, either the very basic .com or the more advanced .org, getting started might seem like a monumental task. Especially if you plan on doing .org, and so taking control of your customization and technical aspects behind the scenes. This is a complete guide that will teach you what to do, using visual steps and a voice over.

The only part that has been made much easier today is hosting your blog which you can easily handle through sites like this one.

5. Data Blogging

This is actually a recorded Google Hangout session between a number of experts discussing data blogging, as well as a number of other topics related to starting your own blog. Google Hangout videos has become a popular trend lately, and it is interesting getting multiple perspectives from the panel.

6. What is a Blog?

Just what it sounds like, this is a half hour video filled with tips for people who want to begin video blogging, or vlogging. While not a traditional format of blog, it is a popular and useful way to corner the market using tools like YouTube, Blip or Vimeo. Sovanna Larry Chuon leads us through some good advice on how to do it successfully.

7. Wrong Way To Ask For a Guest Post

MyBlogGuest is all about guest posting, which is an area you will need to become versed in during your blogging venture. This video tells you how not to ask for a guest post, and so ruin your chances of getting solid, fresh content from talented writers in your industry.

8. How To Blog and Build a Following


Building a following is one of the most important parts of owning a blog. You don’t just want to bring in new traffic, you want to continue to bring in the old faces. This video covers some tactics to build brand loyalty and keep people coming back for more.

9. Blogging In General: Hot Blog Tips Hangout

Another Google Hangout, this time it is from Hot Blog. The panel discussing general blogging topics, both for beginners and more advanced viewers: How to market a blog, how to build up following, how to monetize your blog and expand your revenue sources, etc. Whichever you might be, you can benefit from this excellent video.

10. Social Media/Web 2.0


Social media is a big part of blogging, and web 2.0 is the driving force behind it. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google+, Reddit…the list goes on and on, each item a tool for you to use to launch your blog into stardom. This video covers social media and the “new web”.

Have a video that belongs on this list? Let us know in the comments.

Creative Commons image source

Anna Fox

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