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58 Page Ebook Reveals What it Really Takes to Succeed at Blogging #Free

firstsiteguideRecent data has shown that businesses that blog generate up to 126% more leads and up to 97% more inbound links compared to businesses that do not blog.

Whether for individual reasons or corporate reasons, having a blog for your business will always go a long way to help.

Here are some notable examples that show how important blogging can be both for businesses and individuals:

  1. KISSMetrics: KISSMetrics is a notable example of a blog that effectively leverages its blog to grow its user base; by having a content strategy, KISSMetrics built a blog that gets hundreds of thousands of monthly visits and contributes significantly to the company revenue.
  2. Bufferapp: This popular social sharing app was able to establish itself through blogging. By focusing on publishing quality content on their blog, partnering with authoritative blogs to syndicate their content, and doing a lot of guest blogging, Bufferapp was able to accelerate its growth, quickly becoming one of the top social sharing apps online.
  3. Smart Passive Income: Pat Flynn was unexpectedly laid off from his job in 2008; Pat quickly had to look for a way to replace income from his job and take care of his family, so he started a blog. His blog now makes high six figures on a yearly basis, and he has a team of people working for him.

Starting a Blog Doesn’t Guarantee Success

If we can learn anything from the above examples, it is that the power of blogging should never be underestimated; most bloggers earn significantly more than people in high earning capacities would ever earn from their jobs.

Here’s a list of the monthly income of some of the top blogs in the world:

  • The Huffington Post: $2,330,000
  • Mashable: $560,000
  • Perez Hilton: $450,000
  • Techcrunch: $400,000
  • Smashing Magazine: 190,000
  • Timothy Sykes: $150,000
  • Tuts Plus: $110,000
  • Venture Beat: $62,000

It’s important to note that the fact that the above blogs earn that much does not mean you will earn anything.

Starting a blog in and of itself does not guarantee success; in fact, more people fail at blogging than succeed and, depending on which source you consult, research has shown that anything from 95% to 99% of bloggers fail.

With that said, success in blogging isn’t entirely out of reach:

The “How to Start a Blog” eBook by FirstSiteGuide.com Shows You What it Takes to Succeed at Blogging

If blogging confuses you, or you are entirely new to blogging and don’t know how to go about it, the How to Start a Blog” eBook by FirstSiteGuide.com details everything you need to know about building a successful blog.

Here are some interesting facts about this ebook:

1.It is concise in just 58 pages. It isn’t too long or too short; in just 58 pages, it contains what you need to know about building a successful blog.

  1. The main authors are Ogi Djuraskovic, Kristi Hines and the FirstSiteGuide team
  2. It features contributions from 31 experts on blogging: The ebook is written based on advice from 31 experts on blogging; some key contributors are Derek Sivers, Jeff Bullas and Tyler Tervooren.
  3. It is both basic and advanced. The ebook addresses both the basic and advanced aspects of blogging you need to familiarize yourself with. For example, things like how to install your blog if you’re just starting, how to promote your blog, how to make passive income from your blog, how to sell your blog if you decide to, etc are covered.
  4. It is practical and loaded with resources: What most guides or walkthroughs about blogging lack is practicality; you’re just being fed with information upon information, while you’re given little to nothing of what is needed to take action. The FirstSiteGuide ebook is different. Instead, you get practical recommendations of resources and tools you can start using immediately at various sections.
Anna Fox

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