Rise and Shine

WordPress vs. Blogger: Which is Best?

WordPress vs. Blogger: Which is Best?

Feb 4, 2025

The WordPress and Blogger platforms were the catalyst for making blogging so accessible. With little to no experience, a user can create a destination that is customized, and ready for posting. If you want to spend the majority of your time on creating your blog content rather than having to deal with the technical issues, then a hosted blog service like...

5 Community Building WordPress Plugins

5 Community Building WordPress Plugins

May 16, 2022

If you have a blog you might be facing a bit of a conundrum: how do you engage with people more directly? Social media is well and good, but it isn’t bringing the returns you had hoped. Besides, it is aimed more at marketing style communication, and that isn’t quite what you are looking for. The problem is that you are asking the wrong question. It...

You Blogged Down a Hill You Can’t Write Back Up

You Blogged Down a Hill You Can’t Write Back Up

Mar 20, 2022

You have done everything by the book. You started your blog, you wrote quality content, and you shared your posts on your social media networks. Then you stayed consistent by posting regularly, you researched other blogs similar to yours and stayed up on the trends, and you read articles about how to drive more traffic to your site. You updated your site...

5 SEO Tips For Blogging And Content Creation

5 SEO Tips For Blogging And Content Creation

Feb 21, 2022

Creating a successful blog is not as simple as generating repetitive content and purchasing an official domain name. Learning how to best improve your blog’s SEO, or search engine optimization, is fundamental for online success. Most blogging platforms provide a solid SEO foundations in terms of site structure, URL slugs, internal links, etc. Using a few...

How Do You Write Great Regular Content? My 7 Secret Tips

How Do You Write Great Regular Content? My 7 Secret Tips

Mar 19, 2020

There are many ways to find ideas on how to generate regular content but in this article I am going to spill my tactics. It is natural and really helps those ideas flow, with no rocket science. My 7 Tips 1. Read a Lot. Seriously Go through your niche and subscribe to all the main blog updates, get a daily or weekly update of all their posts Once you have these...

How to Write a GOOD Article for Your Blog, Each Time, with Text Optimizer

How to Write a GOOD Article for Your Blog, Each Time, with Text Optimizer

Dec 13, 2018

Good content can be subjective, yet there’s a clear list of criteria that helps us (and search engines) make that judgment: A good article is well researched A good article is readable: It has a well-defined clear structure that makes it easy to read It’s broken into short paragraphs and active-voice sentences that are easy to understand It has an...

Guidelines for Your Writers and Bloggers Please

Guidelines for Your Writers and Bloggers Please

Dec 20, 2017

If you contract or employ writers or bloggers it is always helpful to both parties if guidelines are created and shared from the beginning. This not only ensures that they know exactly what you want and expect, but that you get precisely what you need. A brief set of guidelines provided at the start can save you each a lot of time and aggravation as you continue...

Discover 8 Ways Blogging Contributes To Higher Search Rankings

Discover 8 Ways Blogging Contributes To Higher Search Rankings

May 31, 2017

The subject of SEO is quite complex, and Google makes it even worse by the constant changes and updates to their algorithms and policies. It’s like every time you feel you have figured things on the same, the rules change, leaving you in a situation of wondering what we are not doing right or what is the new SEO concept you have to familiarize ourselves...