Rise and Shine

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Best Facebook Pages: Top 15 Timelines

Best Facebook Pages: Top 15 Timelines

Apr 10, 2012

With the transition to the Timeline format, the best Facebook pages aren’t just the ones with the best design anymore. It takes a different type of innovation to thoroughly exploit all of the features the new timeline format offers, but some brands have improved their Facebook presence tremendously.   Here’s a compilation of the best Facebook pages...

Succeeding On the SMS Social 100: Traffic, Exposure and Social Proof

Succeeding On the SMS Social 100: Traffic, Exposure and Social Proof

Apr 9, 2012

The first order of business for any website or blog is getting traffic. As an online marketing consultant I’ve always recommended a multi-faceted approach that utilizes every available tool, and implements design strategies that take advantage of the site’s primary traffic sources.   You shouldn’t put all of your eggs in one basket; optimize for...

Social Media Marathon: The Long Run

Social Media Marathon: The Long Run

Apr 6, 2012

While starting an online business may seem like a sprint – a blur of ups and downs, run and gun – Your social media marketing campaign should be more like a marathon. Building your social media brand takes time: Become relevant, have conversations, build loyalty; it’s a process that, if done correctly, will yield you positive results. You’ve got...

Network on LinkedIn: The Right People

Network on LinkedIn: The Right People

Apr 5, 2012

The most effective way to improve your employment outlook through social media is to network on LinkedIn.   I don’t think it’s a secret that social media can be an incredible resource for job seekers. Every day new statistics come out about the effect social media has on the job seeker market.  And yet Jullien Gordon, in his article 50 Job...

Celebrities on Twitter: How to be a Social Media Loser

Celebrities on Twitter: How to be a Social Media Loser

Apr 4, 2012

Celebrities are no strangers to social media and while there are many platforms for them to pursue, Twitter seems to be one of the most widely used. Not only is nearly every known celebrity on Twitter, many of them actually Tweet from their own accounts. Part of Twitter’s lure is the fact that average users are on the same level as Chad Johnson, Conan...

Socialize your Blog: Return on Traffic

Socialize your Blog: Return on Traffic

Apr 3, 2012

What sets blogs apart from traditional print or broadcast media is their real-time interactivity. Blogs are, in a sense, the topic statement in what once would have been a forum post.   The conversation has moved out of traditional forums and into a new realm that uniquely reflects the blogger’s personality and interests–an open salon where...

Online Voice: Consistency and Personality

Online Voice: Consistency and Personality

Apr 2, 2012

One of the more confusing aspects of quality content production is finding your online voice. Having a specific and consistent online voice is always a guideline given by editors when you guest blog, and you’ll often see voice cited as the strong point of some of the most successful bloggers.   When you try to explain it, you’ll often fall short. It’s...

Cross Promoting your Facebook Page: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Cross Promoting your Facebook Page: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Mar 30, 2012

We manage a dozen LinkedIn groups for ourselves and our clients. Every now and again we see a discussion posted: “Post your Facebook Business page here!” Does it help to cross promote your Facebook page?   The person who posted the discussion likely receives the most benefit in terms of fan base growth, but how engaged are those fans? Will they like...

The Dislike Button: Social Media Hate Science

The Dislike Button: Social Media Hate Science

Mar 29, 2012

Ever wonder why Facebook doesn’t have a dislike button? Judging by the people I follow and statements they have previously made, I don’t believe the average user wants to spend their time online debating politics and ranting; they want an atmosphere that is a shade lighter than the real world. If you’re an unpleasant friend on a social network,...