Rise and Shine

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Google and Data Security

Google and Data Security

Sep 23, 2021

Governments all over the world want to get their hands on user data from Google for a variety of purposes. Google started tracking the number of these requests in 2010, and has released these numbers in transparency reports every six month. This week, with the search giant’s sixth transparency report, it’s clear to see that these requests are ...

Dramatically Improve Marketing Results with Advanced Analytics

Dramatically Improve Marketing Results with Advanced Analytics

Sep 20, 2021

Almost everyone that runs a website or blog, or handles online promotion in any way uses some type of analytics software. There are lots of benefits that can be derived from measuring your progress, and it’s so ingrained in online marketing that users give little thought to how it fits in their strategy. Some more savvy marketers are now figuring out how to...

3 Small Business Affiliate Marketing Mistakes Costing Your Brand

3 Small Business Affiliate Marketing Mistakes Costing Your Brand

Aug 9, 2021

As a business owner, you’re always on the lookout for ways to grow your business. Spotting growth opportunities is one of the basics of business development. Affiliate marketing is one of the fastest and easiest ways to scale your business without working like a slave. The numbers make a strong case for affiliate marketing: 15% of digital media...

Create a Brand Name: Protect Your Investment

Create a Brand Name: Protect Your Investment

Jul 27, 2021

You can concentrate on the technology and marketing principles all you want, but a large part of digital marketing falls back on your unique branding that stems from basic choices you make during the development stages of your business. Your name, logo and other less controlled associations will play a part in public perception for the life of your business, so...

10 Terrific Twitter Plugins That Will Supercharge Your Content Marketing

10 Terrific Twitter Plugins That Will Supercharge Your Content Marketing

Jul 11, 2021

Updated: July 11, 2021 They say … create quality content and the traffic, back links, rankings, and social media signals will come pouring in like rain? Sounds good, but dare I say, a little “too good to be true”. Truth is you can keep churning out some of the best quality articles or blog posts in your niche and it will hardly do anything. It’s like a...

Privacy Settings in Social Media

Privacy Settings in Social Media

Jun 20, 2021

Social networks almost always offer an array of privacy settings and sharing filters, but most privacy features are as different as they are confusing. As soon as you figure out one network, they change the settings or the layout, or you find out that you’ve misunderstood the privacy settings all along. Social networks almost always offer an...

Why Website Security Is More Important Than You Think

Why Website Security Is More Important Than You Think

May 12, 2021

When it comes to website security, you may not be doing all that you could to keep your property safe. And if you are lax in this regard, you may also be putting the private information of your employees, business partners, and customers in danger. You will need to take the issue of website security very seriously indeed in order to maintain a site that is free...

10 Local Platforms that Give Your Business a Profitable Local Footprint [Updated]

10 Local Platforms that Give Your Business a Profitable Local Footprint [Updated]

Mar 20, 2021

Heard the phrase, ‘the world is a small place’? Well, social media has made it even smaller and the six degrees of separation have been reduced to just two or even one, courtesy social networking. Forget about people to people interaction, it’s even impacted the way businesses connect with their customers. Social media marketing has allowed businesses to...

Seven Premium Social Media Tracking and Analytics Tools

Seven Premium Social Media Tracking and Analytics Tools

Jan 26, 2021

Measuring your social media success used to be a cumbersome process. You would need to track your own measurements across all platforms and then analyze them yourself in a spreadsheet. Of all the advice you’ll hear about social media marketing, tracking your progress to examine the return on your investment is a point everyone agrees on. It’s impossible to...