Rise and Shine

The Future of Social Media Sun

smsHello friends and readers! You may have noticed some new posts at Social Media Sun over the past couple of months. And our Facebook fanpage is active once more. After a short down period, we are happy to have things up and running again and we’re so very thankful for the readers who have stuck around, especially those of you who have been here since the start. We’re also grateful to those of you who are just joining us.

As our great founder, Adam Justice, explained in this post “The Next Chapter for Social Media Sun”, Ann Smarty of SEO Smarty and My Blog Guest fame has become the new owner. With the change of ownership hands, we hope to keep things going at SMS but without any drastic changes to the fans and readers. We still want to continue giving you regular blog posts and useful content but we also want to remain active within our communities so that if you have questions or concerns about social media and business, someone is here to help you.

Social Media Sun Facebook Group

If you have not already joined us, stop by our Social Media Sun Facebook Group and say hello. Adam has created this space as an excellent place to ask questions about social media, tech and business topics. We’re hoping to keep this alive but also more interactive and we want to see you there. Feel free to pop in and request to join and if you’re already a member, we welcome your input and conversation.

I’ll be around regularly managing the fanpage and the Facebook group so any time you want to reach out to us, feel free to connect with me. Ann is also available in the same locations and via the Twitter. We welcome the interaction and want this to be a community-based interest that we can all benefit from.

Some Words from Ann

I sat down with Ann Smarty herself to ask a few questions about the future of Social Media Sun and to help explain to you, our community, what are roles are here.

Q. What do you see happening for the future of the site?

A.  I want to see Socia lMedia Sun grow into a high-quality community-driven resource of unique social media insights. I like how it’s doing now and I would love to stay on the same track. I have some luck utilizing MyBlogGuest verified authors to get awesome contributions but I would love to see old community come back and engage (that’s on my to-do list). I’d love it to become multi-column  magazine at one point!

Q. How would you like to see the community be more involved in Social Media Sun?

A. We welcome contributions especially if you are interested in becoming a regular writer. From our end, we’ll give each author as much exposure as we can: We have lots of channels to give each piece additional push and I also use ViralContentBuzz to give each author additional exposure. Let’s help each other grow!

We are looking for first-hand original insights: Your own ways of doing things on social media, case studies, examples, etc.

Q. Why did you decide to make Social Media Sun part of your family of sites?

A. I loved the site and was a regular reader. Then I noticed it went inactive for a couple of months and felt bad about that, so I reached out to Adam offering him to take the site over. It wasn’t planned. I just hated seeing the site die!

I am very irrational when it comes to taking over new projects (even though my hands are full!). My husband has a joke for this case “When Ann is too busy to breathe, she buys or starts a new project” 🙂

Only one of all my projects is actually monetized, so most of what I do is not even for money. I love building a community and I enjoy blogging and I think Social Media Sun is perfect for both. If you feel like being part of that, you will enjoy it, I guarantee!

Monthly Featured Experts

We’re also happy to be introducing monthly featured experts in social media. These interviews will take the form of a blog post on the site and we are very excited about some of the experts we have lined up. If there is an expert you’d especially like to see us ask a few questions, be sure to let us know and we’ll do the best we can to get them.

If there are questions you want answered, again, reach out to us and we will try to find the best experts to answer your questions. We want to be a resource that can get you the answers you can’t find other places or help you solve problems you’re struggling with on your own.

Your Turn- What Do YOU Want to See in the Future of Social Media Sun?

So now that you know a little more about our plans, we want to hear back from you. What do YOU want to see in the future of Social Media Sun? What kind of content can we provide? What answers are you seeking?

Lisa Clark


  1. Thanks for the update Lisa. I must say I thought SMS had lost its way but good to see Ann has taken over. Looking forward to sharing more of your first hand insights from the team. Good luck!

  2. Thanks for sharing this info Lisa,

    This is great news for an already good site.

    Knowing Ann as I do, I would anticipate this being the springboard to take Social Media Sun to the next level 🙂

    Looking forward to coming back regularly to see some cool content!

    Keep up the good work……


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