Rise and Shine

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The Evolution of Marketing: From Catalogs to Cat Blogs

The Evolution of Marketing: From Catalogs to Cat Blogs

Nov 8, 2022

In its simplest form, Marketing is the act of satisfying the wants and needs of a population. Everything from market research to advertising are meant to do one thing; to put a product or service offering in the hands of as many consumers as possible. Early examples of innovative marketing campaigns are the Sears and Roebuck catalog, inserting baseball cards in...

9 Tips for Building Trust with Your Content Marketing

9 Tips for Building Trust with Your Content Marketing

Oct 4, 2022

Why are reviews and testimonials so important these days? Why are they everywhere on the internet? In a word: “Trust”. Naturally, consumers need to be reassured that brands and companies are going to give them value for their money. Integrity plays a significant role in this. A business that stands by its philosophies is one that deserves to be...

All-in-one Marketing Tools: The New Normal In Digital Marketing

All-in-one Marketing Tools: The New Normal In Digital Marketing

Aug 27, 2022

Modern digital marketing has myriad intricate moving pieces. Moving your marketing needle now requires a plethora of technological tools. They interlock everything. You cannot afford to drop the ball on any component otherwise you’ll lose ground on your competitors. It all matters — from content management to email marketing, from lead management...

How to Get Out of Building Websites for Family and Friends

How to Get Out of Building Websites for Family and Friends

Aug 21, 2022

We all know people who don’t have web development skills who ask us to build a site for them.  Unless they need something complex and custom coded or you know they will keep up a blog, a simple inexpensive solution is to send them to a website building solution. Free Website Templates That Anyone Can Use from zundy Save Time By Knowing How to Use a...

DIY Online Reputation Management for Small Businesses

DIY Online Reputation Management for Small Businesses

Jul 15, 2022

Every business needs to be concerned about their online reputation. Even more so if you run a small business that doesn’t have the brand marketing and customer confidence that large brands have.  In a recent study it has been concluded that 90 percent of customers that come across your business online will research our company before deciding to do business...

5 Community Building WordPress Plugins

5 Community Building WordPress Plugins

May 16, 2022

If you have a blog you might be facing a bit of a conundrum: how do you engage with people more directly? Social media is well and good, but it isn’t bringing the returns you had hoped. Besides, it is aimed more at marketing style communication, and that isn’t quite what you are looking for. The problem is that you are asking the wrong question. It...

You Blogged Down a Hill You Can’t Write Back Up

You Blogged Down a Hill You Can’t Write Back Up

Mar 20, 2022

You have done everything by the book. You started your blog, you wrote quality content, and you shared your posts on your social media networks. Then you stayed consistent by posting regularly, you researched other blogs similar to yours and stayed up on the trends, and you read articles about how to drive more traffic to your site. You updated your site...

5 SEO Tips For Blogging And Content Creation

5 SEO Tips For Blogging And Content Creation

Feb 21, 2022

Creating a successful blog is not as simple as generating repetitive content and purchasing an official domain name. Learning how to best improve your blog’s SEO, or search engine optimization, is fundamental for online success. Most blogging platforms provide a solid SEO foundations in terms of site structure, URL slugs, internal links, etc. Using a few...

How to Create an Automated or Custom Logo for Your Blog

How to Create an Automated or Custom Logo for Your Blog

Feb 16, 2022

Your blog already has a good grip on it’s target audience and is likely attracting new audiences all the time through social media and search. However, even with a nice blog design and the best plug-ins to enable you share content with others, the work isn’t done yet. The next phase of the blog development process needs you to establish your site, blog...